
Hey guys!! For those who read my fanfic....THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!! *mwahh* !! So that was the first thing. It was to thank the people who read my fanfic. Onto the main point. I will be on hiatus for about a week or a week and a half. I'm actually pretty busy these days so its a little difficult to write my Kai Fanfic. BUT, I will upload chapter 11 and then my hiatus will start :( its only on for about a week or a teeny bit more. I promise I will be back so keep stay tuned to my fanfic! At the moment I'm actually at my cousin's house staying over for maybe a couple days  because it has been three years since we last saw each other. I'm having great fun here! Did a bit of shopping today as well xD! Although we only live and hour and half away from each other, we don't get to see each other much due to our parents work so...yeah....ok I'll stop my bullpooping. 

If theres is any questions about my fanfic please comment or email me! :D

[email protected]

gamsamida!! =^•^= ~~~~ 



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