Sickish again? o.o

Hi guys. I'm over my tears and everything from my previous post and would be happy go lucky.

Would be.

Apparently, today was the first day I tutored / taught the little boy I'm going to tutor this summer because his dad decided to move, and poor guy has to change 2nd languages after 3 years.

Now, he's quite bright but lazy as hell. I guess I like him though xD And he's quite the charmer.

I think some people might now that my 3rd name (A.K.A the one I don't use), is 'Anna'. He told me his full name and I told him mine, and he said 'I didn't know you were Anna, too. It's a pretty name, it fits.'

Then, he complimented every freaking 'stuff' in my room (my fans, rocks, jewellery etc.) I think he didn't wanna study too much xD

But, once he was gone, (after almost two hours, trust me, it makes you exhausted), I had to 'lend' the money I got to my parents... lend is like that because before now, I had never gotten money back from them, or maybe once or twice.

AND I had to effing walk to get cigarettes for them with my sis and her boyfriend. Now, it would be okay (we don't wanna use the car, some idiotic person in the bank had taken away a lot of our money because she/he misstyped something and we'll have to wait for it till the 20th, only then can they give it back to us )but I'm feeling pretty sick again. This time, my throat hurts like hell and I was both hot and cold when coming home.

Have so many stuff to complete still and once again, I get sick...or something like that.

Fantastic xD

BUT, yesterday I finally managed to watch the new My Little Pony movie. Yes, I'm a brony. I know most people here will hate it, I don't care. I like the movie although it was reaally cliched xD

But...what the **** had they done to Luna? T.T

That's all I guess, bye xD


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Vivihyung #1
Hope you get better soon ): Take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself!
Oh my .. Get Well soon ^~^