❝Cheongsan School of Performing Arts❞ ↷ (吳梅陰)

Cheongsan School of Performing Arts
hi! I'm meiyin and I'm applicant #(0895)!
username: haekyung
name: dani
activity level: 10
character name: wu meiyin
mei / to simplifly her name. used by everyone.
yifan's wife / because mei and kris share the same last name, and also because she nags him like a pesky, little wife. used by other students, and sometimes kris.
meimei / a pun that mean's "little sister". used mainly by kris, because it bugs the hell out of mei.
birthdate: jan 3rd, 1994
age: 19
birthplace: seoul, korea
hometown: seoul, korea
ethnicity: full chinese
languages: chinese [fluent], korean [fluent/learning], english [basic/learning]
ulzzang name: chen yue / king boo
back up ulzzang name: wang yiyi / yiyi
style: limited to mainly old-fashioned wear such as plaid skirts, knee-socks and wool sweaters. mei doesn't have that much of a fashion sense and feels that for now, simplicity is best kept until she finally rises as a star (and she feels that'll change very soon!)
others: doesn't like jewelery, so doesn't have any piercings, and due to her fear of needles, she hasn't been touched by any tattoos. the only flaw to her body is this odd little burn on the right side of her hip from a careless accident when she was younger. (let's just say baking wasn't her virtue).
born in seoul, raised in seoul, taught the language of the koreans, but yet she's born 100% chinese? now, from that you'd find it a little weird, no? a chinese girl living in korea when she's never even step foot into the borders of china at all? well, to wu meiyin, it's perfectly normal. thanks to her parents having met here in the midst of seoul, and having being born with a lovely child like mei was how the wu's decided to settle down into a new and peculiar country. although learning the language was a little difficult (because her parents knew nothing more than a simple, "annyeonghaseyo"), mei had to resort in teaching herself along with school, even if chinese was her first ever language. because mei wasn't traditionally korean like all the other (well,) korean students, mei was often neglected and treated like any other foreigner. but, why was that so when she was born into seoul just like the rest of them? mei would never know, for she was just a lonesome little chinese. girls would often , during kindergarten and through middleschool, of how she looked different. they would for where her parents came from - the place where people eat dogs and cats. the place where there's always angry fighting, kungfu men throwing punches at each other over dumplings. of course mei wasn't even sure if stuff like that were true, and usually found herself questioning her parents about them whenever she came home. it often upset mei that she couldn't really connect to her true home, a place she's never been at. it upset her that she couldn't connect with her birth home either, being shunned as a dog-eater or something like that. so, perhaps when she was 12 or 13? mei decided that she would pretend. she would pretend she was a foreigner. she would pretend she knew about the weird meals of the chinese. she would pretend she knew just about everything. and you know what? she was good at pretending. it wasn't too soon before she learned that this pretending was just another way of saying: acting. and, by golly, wu meiyin was brilliant in this. her parents may not have appreciated mei telling lies (from "pretending" that she ate dogs, and other stuff), to keep herself from getting out of place, but they saw that she really was good at this advanced lying. they all saw that she could cry whenever she wanted, could act angry or sad, and basically play any role of any character depending on the situation. this lying, pretending and acting was something meyin was good at - and it was something she liked. perhaps it was this that brought her egoist self. how she brags about how skillful she is and easily crying and such. but, whatever it was, trying to fit in or trying to be whoever these kids wanted her to be, this skill showed mei that she liked to act. she liked to play somebody she wasn't, despite what others say. this acting just brought out this passion to wanting to be an actress where she could play as many people as the script says.

who is wu meiyin exactly? a pest? a try-hard? a brat? perfectionist? your overall star-struck, drama queen? well, if you thought that, then yes. that's wu meiyin. a girl who's life is basically set on being a star. here, we have a girl who tries hard to get what she wants. sure, she can sometimes come off as this blunt, somewhat y kind of character, but this is a girl who won't take no for an answer. this is a girl who likes to take charge of things and make sure they're all according to her plan. it's not your plan, it's hers. if you were to oppose to that, then prepare to be sided towards this big, diva. yeup, a diva. because there's never been anything that wouldn't bring miss meiyin complaining. it's either your hair is too blonde, or your eyes are too bright. your clothes are too baggy, or your shoes are too shiney. whatever the case, meiyin always has to find one setback on someone in order to find herself acceptional, because in all honesty, mei hasn't really accepted herself just yet. in mei's world, she has to be flawless. has to be perfect. has to be what the people want her to be, or be what she feels the world sees her as: a rising star. sure, sometimes mei can be a pain in the , always being blunt and always being kind of "I'm better than you", but she's a nice person at heart. she's just not used to talking smack about you. not used to saying, "wow, you're talented. I wish I were you". nope, because honesty isn't something she's good at. if you're pretty, she'll search for your flaw, so she won't feel flawed. call it low, but that's just how little mei has been all her life. being someone she's not, and that's how she'll always be. but, even though she's conceited and mentioned again, an over-the-top drama queen'd diva, mei knows when she's gone to far. you say you're hurt? she'll apologize (though she'll struggle). say she's a jerk, she'll make up for it (though again, it's hard for her to try). some people say she has a bad attitude, but others say she's just an extremely passionate girl who wants to be accepted. when you accept her, she'll accept herself - and that's all she really wants.
ms. try-hard diva / because she's always so head-over-heels towards becoming a famous actress. because she flaunts about how successful she'll become, and how awesome she'll be on stage and in movies. it's also because she acts like she's the most talented person out there, hence her divaish image.
- always says NG (no good) when something goes wrong
  - "ah, NG NG! you're doing it all wrong!"
- will start cussing at you in chinese if you've angered her
- always goes to the library afterschool to either study or practice lines by herself. if not the library then she goes to the music room (where she hopes mr. jerkbutt won't be)
- has a fear of needles, dogs, cats, fish, ghosts, heights and bugs. she can't even stand butterflies or lady bugs.
- likes to practice english, but isn't very good at it
- hates comparisons with others, because she always finds flaws for herself
- has a decent singing voice, but prefers acting over it
- completely at dancing. awkward chicken wings and clapping.
- likes boys, because hey, she's only human.
- ideal guy is someone who's just as amazing as she thinks she is.
- hates crowds because she doesn't like people touching her.
- is a total neat-freak, and might be a little OCD
  - keeps sanitary napkins, tissues, a tiny bottle of spray, a tiny pair of gloves and other cleansing items in her bag, IN  a zip-lock bag.
- used to play piano, but has now forgotten. wishes she could learn again.
- has a habit of scrunching her nose when she thinks
- doesn't like to eat fish. not even sushi.
- likes ddokbboki
- personally likes english songs better than korean for some reason
- also likes classical music; favourite piece is CANON in C
- dirt is the enemy
- has this high-pitched
dolphin screech when she gets surprised or scared. (linked!)
- also says,
"stress!" in english when she's.. well, stressed. (linked!)
  - "ah, stress! screw eve
rything, then!"
wu faikwan | 54 | highschool professor (chinese elective) | father | old-fashioned, kind, and sometimes just acts like a really old, but wise grandfather.

wu meijia | 52 | housewife | mother | cheerful, energetic, kind and acts younger than she really is. usually fangirls around attractive men.

note: parents know very little korean, and somewhat struggle with the language.
lee "leehi" hayi | 18 | student (voice division) | bestfriend | mature, quiet, and acts like an older sister towards mei, despite their ages differencing by a year.
kris wufan | 19 | student (musician division; piano/guitar) | rival | conceited, divaish and a lot like mei. because these two are both similar in wanting to be stars, there's a collision of stardom between the two. they're rivals because they both work hard for their talents, and because of it they feel intimidated by one another. their relationship is a competition - wether it be eating or walking, they always have to strive to be better than the other.
love interest: kris wu / wu yifan
history: on a regular routine, mei was on her way to the music room (deciding she'd go to the library the next day) to practice some lines she was assigned, as well as maybe play with the piano a bit. to her dissapointment, the music room wasn't empty, for she found this guy just playing away on the piano. a little upset, because not only was he good at piano, he was good looking AND he was taking up her precious practice time. so, storming into the room, she lectured the boy for not reserving the room like she did (although she actually didn't and didn't need to). it was then they bickered about how they both needed practice, both needed to practice being famous and awesome at what they do. soon enough, after their long disscusion, it came to the conclusion that they'd become rivals. despite having two different divisions, it's a fight for the bigger star. the better actress and the better musician.
relationship: rivals. that's all they'll ever want to be. friends are out of the quesion, because nope - that's not how rivals work. but, these rivals are a little different. they don't go on about fighting even though they spend almost everyday trying to find things to compete over, but sometimes it's just them trying to bug one another. who can crack at what this person does, or who can crack on what tht person does. whoever gets angered first, whoever gets upset first. it's just a battle between who loses and who wins. amongst this is kris who teases mei about various things. from her height, to her style to her acting and by just giving her petty nicknames like the oh-so-fabulous meimei. of course, mei has her fair share of names too, because instead of that one name "kris" (which she has troubles pronouncing), she goes ahead and calls him yifan. a name kris absolutely hates! hates, hates, hates! but, mei doesn't mind. it's always "yifan" this, "yifan" that. she refuses to call him kris, and frankly, is the only person who calls kris.. not by kris. sometimes, besides the names and the teasing of heights (and angry-bird, ed faces koffKriskoff), it's sometimes a game of who blushes first. this job is mainly all on kris. when he takes her hand out of no where, or leans close to her face because he knows mei can't handle stuff like that. in which case, mei will always lose, and that's why she considers kris her rival. because she wants to win, one of these days. to another, they're just a very dorky kind of couple! always teasing, and what seems to be playing mean. if you told either one of them that, they'd basically choke on air, because to them, rivals don't like each other. even in mei finds kris goddly attractive, and even if kris finds mei gosh, darn adorable, and even if they both know each other's habits and traits (when kris' brows furrow or when mei's nose scrunches when one of them think), nope. just nope. meifan will never happen. never will, and will never try.. no matter how oddly, cute that sounds.
( scene one ) — when mei goes to the library by herself to study, kris unexpectedly finds her there and starts to bug her. he picks up her book and reads it as she tries to, stands tall so she can't reach, and leans closely so she'll back away and blush in both embarrassment and anger. because it's a library, mei can't scream, so she whispers, "yah! wu yifan!" where he respondes as, "don't call me yifan, meimei!" "don't call me meimei, yifan!"

( scene two ) — during another one of their quarrels, yifan decides to really buy mei by calling her his stupid wife. "you stupid wife!" "what?! I'm not your wife!" "but, you totally wish you were!"

( scene three ) — on one of those occasional days where there's no arguments and the excuse is, "okay, whatever. I'm tired anyways. I don't care", kris asks mei to listen to his guitar playing because he feels he needs practice and there's no one willing enough to actually critisize him. but, mei complains he already has enough practice and bickers again, but eventually settles down to listen.

( scene four ) — when mei recieves a kiss scene for one of her up-coming plays, one of her lines is "I love you", which she finds easy, but it's not. she can't bring herself to say I love you to someone she doesn't love, let alone kiss that person. so, because she's basically desperate, she goes to the person she knows who'll help her if she whines. thus, kris suggests they practice: both a kiss scene and I love you, because around this time, he learns he likes mei - and likes her a lot.

backup love interest: huang zitao / tao 
division: drama division
class requests: drama interpretation IV, drama techniques IV, theatre history, prose and poetry
audition tape:  / (or this one just because chen yue's actually in this one, but it's more of the first one. asdfghjk-- I just liked how I actually found a video, though! ;u; she'snotdoinganything.)
reason for wanting to attend cheongsan: it's simply because mei wants to evolve into stardom. like most stars, mei has to learn to OWN her ability, and although she's quite good at it now, good enough is never just good enough. if she wants to be a star she needs to be the best of the best and to do that, mei has to attend the school where the best of the best go: cheongsan school of performing arts! where stars like mei belong!
specialty: one of the very many talents of mei is that she can play as many roles as she possibly can. be it female OR male, mei is up for the challenge. what she specializes in is cute, quirky characters (as seen in her audition tape). this ability helps her a lot when it comes to boys, in which she uses effortless amounts of aegyo to prove a point. alongside of that is her knack for freely used tears. at anytime, anywhere, mei could go ahead and cry a river - just because you asked her to.
recommendation: x
history: there's never been any specific training besides always trying to score the big rolls in her highschool plays. always with the minor acts is what mei had always been stuck to, mainly because people felt her korean just wasn't as fluent as others and didn't want her holding them back. meiyin also participated in community plays, where she also auditioned for many roles, and got probably 2-3 main roles during that time before she auditioned into cheongsan independently.
story: wu meiyin is a star - or that's what she feels she'll become. once shunned as a foreinger, despite being born here in korea, wu mei takes a living as a rising star. this is a girl who takes everyday seriously, where everyday becomes a training day to become the person she wants to be. but, despite that, she's also someone she doesn't want to. sturggling to find who she really is besides all the roles she plays, mei is a little bit lost. unable to accept herself at times because of imperfections and never being good enough for herself.. well, those issues are only minor compared to the issue she faces now: wu freakin yifan. or who other's call kris. this new guy, out of nowhere, suddenly shines brighter than mei felt she ever has. on the first day, he's recognized for his shameless attractivness. second day, he becomes popular. on the third, he was known campus-wide, while mei has been there for well-over a year and still teachers can't seem to understand that she's not freakin' international! when he, this stupid wu yifan is! what more is that he's awesome at what he does, and because of that, she decides that this jerkbutt yifan shall become her rival. but, through fights and bickering comes something mei has no understanding of, and that thing is love. an actress doesn't need love, in what the books of said. an actress needs herself, and needs to only, soley love herself - but, how is that possible when mei can't even do something as simple as that? a fight for fame, and a fight for love. a girl like mei can only afford so much.
suggestions: unfortunately no, because I feel it's perfect! :'D tbh! asdfghj-- 
questions: hello! asdfgh-- my only concern is whether I wrote too much. asdfghj-- because it's all really packed and I hope it's not too difficult for you guys to udnerstand. ;A; I apologize because I'm not the best writer out there. ;orz
comments: first of all, I love the story concept! second of all, if you've ever watched glee, mei is basically an asian-fied version of glee's rachel berry, because I've been hooked on glee lately, and I found it so odd how, when I started writing mei, that rachel was actually similar to her! asdfgh-- so, if it helps to understand mei more, she's a lot like rachel. just a little less selfish. ;u; anyways! i thankyou for reading my application! i'm anticipating the review because I loooove reviews! asdf-- love them! thanks for working hard as authornim's too! /throws saraaaangs. asdfg-- herpderpderp.
anything else: 



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