Lost faith in myself

I just...

Okay, so hi guys. I think some of you had seen how I was advertised yesterday. Ya know, I should be happy that I'd gained 100 subs. The current story (I checked it) had probably gained the same amount.

I just...don't get it. I know that I'm not that much of a good writer. I know that my English will never be as good as I want it to be, I know that the story I choice was a ty piece of angst. But...

It just feels like I had been slapped with all these facts. I was so effing happy to finally win the bids and...and that's all I got.

EDIT: Okay, since I don't want anyone to think I'm a : I know that many people are busy and all, just, the previous two times I gained much more subs and all and I felt like people would like this story more because I actually like it xD

AND I overreacted xD But I know that things like this happen. I just felt like writing this out will help...And it did ^^

What on Earth had I done wrong?

And yes, I'm crying right now. Yes, you can feel like the ' who had enough karma to advertise is crying cause she failed' but...

I seriously thought that the story was an alright one...

well, it sees like it isn't *shrugs*

Sorry for this guys, had been on bad terms with my parents since we came back from Greece, too, so my mood is generally bad.

Bye I guess.


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gingah4evah #1
I've read amazing stories with very few subs and less amazing ones with over unimaginable amounts of subs. There are probably just less angst readers in here *shrugs*. Here are a few tips: use a popular shipping (jongkey is very popular so its a good choice). Only update at times when it suits most of the places in the world, and when there's lots of people online. (as hypocritical as it is, everyone here are byuntaes. Don't trust anyone xD). Note: I don't always practice what I preach, and I don't have that many subscribers, but when I do... Yeah, it feels like I found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
musicismyworld #2
First, you're an amazing writer!!!! If it is angsty or happy it doesn't matter! You make the raders feel the emotions of the characters when reading!!!
Second, I'm from America and your english and grammer is better than most of my friends.
Third, I am sorry your advertising didn't work out like you planned. Sometimes people dont subscribe as much as they want on the weekend. Perhaps like me they are on their phone and it is being stupid with the internet.
Lastly, I'm sorry to hear about the strife with your parents. I hope that geys better soon.
I take it back this is the last thing I am going to ramble on...I hate seeing that you are feeling down!! so I am going to send you virtual hugs *hug* I really do hope things go better!!!!
miyocca #3
Micsoda? Mi történt? :(
shiashin #4
OK NOW IT'S MY TIME TO SAY SOMETHING FINALLY!I'm sorry i dissapointed you and i made you feel so bad:( It' my fault and i'm really sorry.i hate myself for being who i am and making you doubt you amazing writing skills!
You are one of the really good writers on AFF!You shouldn't be bothered by little things.Your stories are different and interesting and captivating,so don't you DARE say they are not good.i love them and j'm sorry for not commenting rhis whole time...i never knew it hurt you so much.I should've realised it earlier...i'm really sorry but i love you.Don't forget that.
I hope you will feel better soon and regain you confidence.i love you!
Don't you dare to do that! You are amazing, seriously...
They think this because they are selfish and mischievous due the fact that they want to be like you :)
Your stories are the best and you should be proud of that, not sad with some evil people.

Hwaiting Katica♥
Whoa whoa Whoa wait!

Did I miss something...? I have No idea what you are talking about .... Oh god I feel horrible ;-;
Mawyna #7
No honey.. You didn't fail.. Don't be sad..Maybe it is weekend and most people are out socializing and didn't even touch their laptop.. I know you are an amazing writer and that's why I subscribe to all your SHINee fanfics.. There's nothing wrong with your English (mine is worst) and to me, as long as the story lines are good, we understand each other, it matters more..
I wish I can help but I don't really know how.. But still, I will support you as much as I can.. Now, cheers, ok?
Vivihyung #8
No, don't lose faith in yourself! I don't know much about the advertised story I'm sorry but you're a very hardworking author and talented writer. You say your English isn't that good yet you write a lot better some of those who are fluent in English (like me xD). I seriously love your stories <3 You should be proud of yourself because you deserve the subs :D Keep working hard and thank you so much for everything! I'll try to be a more active comment too I'm sorry v_v And I'm sorry about the situation with you parents ): Fighting!! <3333
Think about it! You just said you GAINED 100 SUBS, how does that mean your story is not good? And i didn't congratulate you because i didn't know. now i do. Congratulations!!!! :) Ok, others probably had the same, they haven't congratulated you because they didn't know or because they had other things to do and have not been on the site. Remember everyone here has other lives so you can't expect an instant huge reaction. Just keep that in mind. Congrats again!
youngforever #10
Ahh don't cry :-( your stories are amazing!! I love them :-)