More oneshots to come

As I was writing the update to I can't Tell you and Wild heart I realized that I like writing oneshots better than I actually like writing my chaptered stuff because it is easier and I don't have to promise much. So I decided to do oneshots every other week because I like to spread the wealth and I am always coming up with random ideas for stuff. What couple should it be first?


Taecjay (Taecyeon and Jay Park) I like this pairing a lot or just the thought of those two getting it on cute.

Chen and Baekhyun because I've been really into exo lately and I love these two the most


 Baekren (Baekho and Ren) Because I love Baekren especilly Monchi Baekren check her out she awesome.

Jay Park because why not and someone suggest me who (maybe taemin)


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I voted for Baekren of course and thank you for mentioning me <3