I Almost Died Today.... [An Example of My Mom's Road Rage]

Me and my mom just got done with both our visits to the doctors, and now we were heading home.

We were behind this car that wasn't paying attention and when the light turned green, my mom honked the horn to make them go.

2 minutes later, there was a car in front of this one. By this time, we were just a little bit behind this person but in the lane to the right of their's. 

The car in front of them slowed down to turn and you know what this idiot did? He merged into our lane without any warning. Instead of slowing down, he swerved into our lane.

Everything was super close, I'm talking his back tire lined up with my mom's front left side. The person never their turning signal and they came really close to clipping the front end of my mom's car. If she didn't slow down, who knows what would happen. I just know that we would be getting paid because it was not our fault at all.

Then my mom got behind him and started cussing him out, throwing up her middle finger numerous times and then when they stopped in front of us, she yelled out the window.

After, my mom got back into another lane and managed to get beside them at a red light.


And this is how the convo went. (Bold is my mom)

"Do you know what you almost did? You could've caused an accident!"

"What's wrong with you? Why are you getting so worked up?"

"I have my daughter in the car. You may not care about your life, but I care about my daughter's"

"You shouldn't have been driving so fast." [I wanted to yelled out the window and tell him that he was going faster than us.]

"I'm driving fast? please!"

"Yeah, you need that handcapped sticker, you dumb ."

" you bastard."

"Your mama!" [Really, he brought it back like that... that was so stupid...]

"Your mama too, ." 

Then she drove off and flicked him off again while saying ' '.... I was scared, but mainly for him. If they would've pulled up into a parking lot, that guy would might not have survived. 

I think he had his wife, friend... some girl in the car and she looked just as scared as me, but I think she knew that what he did was wrong.

By the time we got home, the song we were listening to was talking about fighting and our hearts were still beating fast. We're still hyper up from the situation that didn't even happen an hour ago...

Well, that was exciting :D

Btw, just a heads up, my brother is itching to post up his new story... so if you see a post labeled as "Another Dimas Masterpiece" or something of that nature, don't read it... It's for your own good!

Oh and another thing: HAPPY LGBT PRIDE DAY :D I may not fall into any of those categories, but I still love the people that do♥


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Oh my....Momma was mad.
Oh that happened to me like 878979837209830 times~