Kris ? What happened to you ??

 Okay, Kris is creeping me out XDDD 

I mean look at him ?


Kris ? Ya Okay ??


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Omg. Is it just me or did Kris get cuter???

Like hotter and cuter!

He used to have this edgy and mysterious and emo-ish aura during the Mama and History era, and now, he's like CUTE.

ever since he went to Canada, and cut his hair, and have his new tattoo, he changed.

And dayyuummm he changed for the better! I love his new image! ^^

And he even did aegyo and he doesn't hesitate already, unlike before. XD

Before he was like "maybe next time" xDD
Ahahahahahah he's like, "Imma nod till I drop" xDD