(Bad) Teaser Example for Paradise Resort ^^

WHOOSH! I zoom past innocent by standers, thinking of them as an obstacle that I must avoid.

That is if i don't want to be kicked out so early. 


The wheels on the bottom of my board scrapes against the cement pavement; leaving scratch marks all over them.

The wind blows in the opposite direction of myself. The sudden blast of hot air, puffs into my face, leaving no chance of my not getting a sun burn later on. But, it is totally worth it.

I only have about 5 0r so minutes left, so I better hurry! I use my dominant right foot to push increase the speed, by pushing it against the pavement and then behind me. The speed picked up and so did the wind.

Everything was a blur, as though I was going against time while it was rushing right pass me. The loud chatters of those beside me were drown out by the loud whispers of the wind to my ears. I could only here the wind blowing and the trees rustling. The sun beating down upon my skin warmed up my body tempature, although it was only 70 degrees out.

I close eyes for a second, trying to take in the fresh air and the beautiful scenery that laid before me. I can't belive I'm actually working here for the summer.

I was too busy looking elsewhere to notice that when I looked back in front of me, I was about to crash into a guy.

'OH CRAP!' I thought to myself; I'm gonna crash unless he moves soon enough.

I tried yelling "DUDE! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" But, it was as uneffective as spooking an elephant with a mouse.

I knew the distance between myself and the guy was decreasing; I raised up my arms to cover my face, since I knew that the impact would not be a pleasant one. Oh God, please just make me end up with as little as injuries as possible.

The last thing I saw before shutting my eyes tightly and praying for my life, was the guy, that I was about to crash into, turn and look at me with a panicked expression. Oh sure, now he sees me; nice going, Flash!


I fell, I knew that, but the impact did not hurt as much as I had expected. The landing was honestly much nicer than I had expected; no major pains or sores was a good sign already.

I tucked in my arms and used my elbows and forearms to help at least elevate myself at a higher level. I immediately checked around to see that I had no bruises nor cuts along my legs or arms; which is strane, since I usually do end up getting hurt..strangely...

"Ehemm, when do you plan on getting off of me? I know that girls fall for me all the time but this is just ridiculous." I looked below me only to see the guy that I crashed into; so that's where he ended up and why my landing was so much easier. But, I did not know that the guy would be a little bit of a jerk.

"Sorry, I was just about to get up." I hoasted myself up by first getting off of the guy then placing my knees on the floor before standing up. Even though the fall did no physical damage, well visibly anyways, I just dust off my pants and shirt; hey, I'm not up-tight about being a clean freak, but it wouldn't hurt to "dust" off.

I was just about done; I was looking around the perimeter, trying to spot my board when I noticed it landed to the right of the guy. I was going to go pick it up until the guy shoeved his hand in my face before I could. I looked at the guy with full confusion on my face. What did he want now?

"Aren't you gonna help me up?" Is he freakin' serious? His legs and arms are obviously not broken, so I think that he can help himself up, like the "good-boy" he is.

"Why? Help yourself up, you pansy." Before I could hear him retaliate or hear his whining, I smacked his hand away from my face.

I quickly picked up my board before he could block my way again, and dropped it on the ground; the wheels hit the pavement again, and once they did my left foot was on top of the board and my right foot was already kicking off. I was off again, going in my initial direction before crashing; but really I was just trying to get away from him as soon as I could.

God, I hope I never see him again...

Oh gosh, I hope I didn't jinx anything...



Okay, so I did a (HORRIBLY Bad) teaer example based on my chara and Chen's meeting ^^

I hope it is okay, sorry if my writing is a little..off? I'm still not that experienced of a writer ><


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