Myth Project Application

Myth Project

»Lee Mai«




Hello, Hello

Username : Panda3093

Activeness : 9

How can I call you? : abz or panda

Lady and Gentleman, Introducing for first time.

Name : Lee Mai + 리 마이 (sorry, don't know if this is correct xP)

Nickname :  Mai-Mai || Alex || Pikachu

Age : 18 going onto 19

Birthday : 15/ 8/ 1994

Birthplace : Hong Kong, China

Hometown : Seoul, South Korea

Nationality : Chinese

Blood type : AB

Height : 170 cm

Weight : 52 kg

Languages : Chinese + Korean : Fluent || English + Tagalog : Conversational


Personality : [I've got no choice~]- Mai is an interesting person in general. She can be kind and playful on the outside. But, she only seems this way to those she can trust and truly cares about. around others or "strangers" she feels like an awkward bunny and rather just stay in the back. She is not the outgoing or go-getter person that socializes with everyone. Instead, she rather know the person already, or not even talk to them in general. She is thought of a "loner" by strangers, but by friends she is thought of as courageous and generous. Mai is very kind, and can be very sweet and generous; but, back-stab her and that will be the last of you. She does not take kindly to mean or rude/selfish or stuck-up snobs; no, she is the kind of person that will teach others a lesson when one is need to be taught. She is not scared either to stand up for herself and others. Since she knows it would be for the best. She does what she believes is to be right.

[I'm UNBREAKABLE]-She is a very cautious person. Weary of one's actions if she does not know them. she is not one to blindly trust another, but instead must observe them and their motives first. She is a very observant and mysterious person at times, full of wonders and secrets, similar to the moon. However, though she may be quiet and mysterious at times, she is still very brave and willing to sacrifice herself and protect others. She is thought as generous and thoughtful because of this quality, but she just tells them that she really isn't. Though she may seem kind; she is actually very sarcastic and blunt with her words. Her words can sometimes hurt more than her actions. Shecan sometimes be worse than Chen if someone pushed her too far. Yes, she has much tolerance for...idiocy, but if someone to really push her buttons, then she will burst as though it is no one's buisness. She has quite the temper when furious and she won't be afraid to hunt the person down and maybe punch or kick them with all of her might.

Like :

» animals

» sports

» spicy foods

» night sky/stars

» music

» b-girlin'

» art

Dislike :

» snooby people

» lazy azz jerks

» skinship

» players

» cheaters

» being told what to do

» heels/any girly clothing

Hobbies :

» b-girlin'

» playing sports (variety)

» acting

» drawing/painting

Habites :

» sad-bites her lip

»furious-not afraid to cuss

» mad-cracks her knuckles

» tired-sleeps, doesn't matter time or place; unless she is performing or working of course

» smirks more than smiles

Fears :

» losing her loved ones

» crying in front of others (doesn't want to appear weak)

Trivias :

» always has her headphones on and with her

» has a shepherd puppy name Rei

» Really dense about love

» Will NEVER wear heels or anything girly or frilly

» cares deeply about those she is close to

» hates when looked down upon

» has a ton of skateboards-a name for each one

» big tomboy

» feels very calm and relaxed mostly at night

» HATES aegyo

» secretly collects Pikachu and Pooh Bear plushies

» fascinated with Greek and Roman mythology

» knows many self-defense techniques/moves

» loves horror movies

» Good/close friends with SNSD's Hyoyeon and F(x)'s Amber

It's me.


Ulzzang Name : Kite (Han Hyeyeon)

Ulzzang Pictures : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up Ulzzang Name :

Back Up Ulzzang Pictures : [+3 or 1 gallaries]

I will be your bodyguard.


Love Interest : Chen(Kim Jongdae)

Personality : MAJOR TROLL! He loves to goof off and tease others. He may seem all nice and cool on the outside, but his sharp tongue and quick wits can make anyone run home and cry. yes, he is VERY sarcastic and blunt with his words, he can even tell that sometimes he may have gone too far; but his prade won't let him apologize. He can be a bit stubborn at times; hates it when people disagree with him or say "no" to him, he doesn't throw a tantrum he just ticks the person off the whole rest of the day. He can become quite the jealous time, though he may not seem it. Yes, he would try to hide his jealousy on the inside, where no one can notice it; but when he sees a girl he likes with another guy, he may have a smile on, but there is fire burning in his eyes.

How you met him/her? : They both are of SM ent. so they were bound to meet at a certain time. However, they only really "talked" or encountered each other physically without any formality, was when Mai was just practicing her dancing in the dance studio. She was just trying out some different moves that would seem to work well together. But, her practice was interrupted when Chen walked in, having the same idea of practicing for Exo's new dance. This just made Mai flinch a bit, but she decided that she had practiced enough and would take her leave. She was about to leave her spot and walk towards where her bag was until Chen said "Nah, you should stay. It is obvious that you need to practice longer than me," in a very haughty tone. Mai's eyes went wide for a sec before she put on her signature smirk and grabbed her bag then walked up to him. "Yea, I guess you're right. Plus, we wouldn't want you more hurt in your lower half than you already are," she said in a fake smile; "What a bad comeback. I am not hurt in my-" before he finished his sentence, Mai kicked him straight where the "sun-don't-shine." Chen mumbled a curse and yelped then fell to the ground, Mai just said "Don't make it seem as though you are much higher up than myself. Never look down on me." She then left without needing to say anything else. Chen was just too shocked, and in pain still, to speak.

I can't forget your love.


[Replace this picture with your Ex's, Leave it if you didn't have.]

Ex-Girl/Boy friends : [Optional, Put None if you don't have.]

Personality : [Optional, Put None if you don't have.]

How you break up? : [Optional, Put None if you don't have.]

I am, What I am.

Stage Name : Alex

Persona : Unpredictable Tomboy || Rowdy Dancer

Position :


[ 2 ] Female Leader, Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Actress, DJs

[ III ] Main Vocalist, MCs, DJs, Musical Actress

[ A ] Main Dancer, Vocalist, CF Queen, Actress, Lyricist, Sport Ace

[  ] Main Rapper, Vocalist, Dancer, Variety Queen, DJs

[  ] Maknae, Visual, Jack of all trades, Actress, Variety Queen

Training years : 3 years

Training life : She was one of those trainees that NEVER got the practice down on the first try. So she also had to work as hard as well just trying to keep going and get it down flat. She would sometimes over work herself and easily gain fevers and faint at times, her immune system was low and she didn't eat much, just trained. Her trainee years were tough, but she learned to fight through it, knowing that someday it would be all worth it.

Fanclub Name + Color :  #cc3333 +ALEXcitement

Strong Points : b-girling/break dancing || sports(very athletic) || Acting(amazing poker-face and can fool most)

Week Points : y dances(just feels awkward when doing them) || Extreme high notes(high pitch almost) || wearing heels and dancing(she hates heels for a reason)

Auditions :

  • Vocal Twin : Minzy(2NE1)
  • Dancing Twin : BoA
  • Rapping Twin : Ailee
  • Acting/Speaking Twin : Ailee

Time to said Good Bye

Comment : -----

other(s) : XiuChen :P


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