°˖✧ vixx hello baby || Kang Hana





✿Kang Hana



username: Panda3093

activity: 9-10 (Summer break all the way!!)

nickname: Abz or Panda


full name: Kang Hana


  • Han-Han || Step-bro; b/c he likes to with the name (though she thinks it's stupid)
  • Hannah || English Name
  • Pikachu || best friend; b/c she claims that Hana is cute and fiery like one

age: 17
birthday: 8/15/1995
height & weight: 170 cm + 52 kg
birthplace: Mokpo, South Korea
hometown: New York, USA
ethnity: Korean-German
languages: Korean  || English

°˖✧Rock Ur Body✧˖°

ulzzang: Kite

pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 + gallery
back-up ulzzang: mikki
pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 + gallery

+ casual: 1 | 2 | 3

+ home/pajamas: 1 | 2 | 3

+ formal: 1 | 2 | 3

+ shoes: 1 | 2 | 3
appearance: black hair w/ electric blue tinted ends


personality: [I won't follow you like a fool~] - Hana is he own person. She is able to stand her ground and is not afraid o stand up for herself or others. She is not one to be so eaily pushed back and frigtened to by small issues or troubles, but instead she would push foreward and keep going on. Some think of her as a little rebellious since she doesn't like to be ordered around and is most likely not to take kindly to it. She is also not one to second guess what she does. She is a person that goes head-first in anything she does, not going back on her word or answer. Even if she may be wrong, she will never go back on her decision nor regret it. She can be thought of reckless  because of this trait, and at sometimes she is. She is one that may get into trouble sometimes because of her curious trait. Yet, although she can be a bit reckless, she is quite smart. Not like a super genius sort of smart, but she knows her way around places and she does have some common sense. So she is not a lifeless doll nor a complete ditz that trips over he own two feet. She may be a bit troublesome, but she is also one that you can rely on when someone really is in need of help.

[You'll keep getting irritated]- Although Hana is smart, she is HIGHLY dense, about love that is. She can't understand it and doesn't see why so many make such a big deal over it. She has loved ones and people she truly cares about, but she doesn't know what a "lover" is and how people keep saying that a person is  "the one." She doesn't know how they are able to tell? She is very dense about people's actions towards her, especially romantic gestures. When someone is "flirting" with Hana, she just looks at them weirdly and smiles awkwardly not knowing what to do or what they are doing. She can not tell when someone is flirting or just down right confessing to her. She just awkwardly nods toward them and thinks they are strange. Even if someone tells her that they love her, she would just not understand it and give a confuse face. Also, she is the type to use the word "love" recklessly. Such as when saying she "loves" food, or her parents, or animals; even she may say it to a guy, thinking nothing of it. She may say she loves the guy, but she would really just think of him as a good friend. Which really gets her into a lot of trouble and annoys the heck out of some people.

[The more I know you..]- Hana is sort of...merciless. When someone hurts her loved one or someone close to her, she will hurt that person. Yep, she is the type to get revenge and will not let one go so easily. She is also very, very sarcastic. She may not seem it at first, since she is usually neutral about everything, and just a a plain face on most of the time; but once someone gets on her bad side, her words can hurt her more than her fists (and she is pretty strong when using all her might). She is very straight foreward, which is a good and bad thing, since that also means that she is honest (which is good) but she is also very blunt (which can be bad). Since many might misinterpret her words and think of her as a mean and bad person, but really she just speaks her  mind and is being totally honest, unless lying is only the best solution in the end. Because of her blunt words it can make many cry while she just may stand confused as to what she has done. Thus, she is very protective of her loved ones and would never let anything happen to them; and she is extremely sarcastic and blunt with her words, thinking nothing of it.

likes: kids || animals || sports || music || sarcasm || pranks || dancing || art || her headphones
dislikes: annoying people || heels || dresses/skirts || people hurting others || snobby s || aegyo || skinship || players || cheaters
fears: losing those close to her || thunder/lightning
habits: sad-bited her lower lip ||  furious-may accidentally be threatening or cuss
hobbies: playing sports(variety) || drawing/painting || skateboarding
trivia: smirks more than smiles || has a weak/soft spot for kids and animals || has never really went on a date before || has never gotten her first kiss || good with kids(for some strange reason) || has a shepherd puppy name Rei ||  love to wear sneakeres with anything || will o anything for her loved ones || has a ton of skateboards-has a name for each || REALLY dense about love

°˖✧Super Hero✧˖°

background: Born in Mokpo from a German father and Korean Mother. However, when she was about 8 years old,  her family moved back to Germany where her father was born, since her father had gotten a job transfer. But something seemed to have happened with that little move that affected the family entirely. Really, it was her parents' attitudes that changed. Whenever one of them would come home from work the fighting would begin. It soon led to just down right bickering and staying in spereate rooms. They soon started to never speak to one another. The bickering and fighting only got worse, Hana knew it as well, she could only hope that they would stop and be fine again. But, even she knew that was a long shot.

A year later, the parents filed for a divorce. Hana officially had broken down, just like how her parents broke apart. Even though they were officially done, they all just lived together still until one moved out. Her father would bring home different ladies every night and do "somethings" with each of them in his room. While Hana could hear the moans through the wall, she always tried to cover her ears and block it all out, but it never worked. Her mother was just..normal. Her mother made no effort to kick the women out or find a man herself. Hana felt safer and much closer with her mother, while her father became a drunk and drugee, Hana felt she didn't know her father anymore.

The next year, it seemed that Hana's mother was also sick of Hana's father's actions, so they decided to move after her mother finally made enough money. They moved to the States in hope to start a new. Hana and her mother moved into an apartment. There was much room since it was just the two fo them. However, one day, in the year o Hana's 12th birthday, her mother finally had met someone new. Hana didn't mind the guy really. She just rarely takled with the guy, believing that this relationship would not last and that he would just leave her mother like how her biological father did. However, Hana was wrong. The couple grew closer and closer, and her mother finally smiled the way she use to when she was with her father before the fighting. Hana was glad to see her mother was better, but she was still weary of the couple.

The next year, the man introduced his son to them. Hana was surprised thinking that the guy may be serious now. But, upon meeting the son, she thought of the guy as a show off. Since the son would always dance and show his moves to his parent, her mother, or just dance plainly in the middle of the street. Hana soon got sick of the guy "showing" off, so she tried learning how to dance, and kept practicing how to b-girl; until she finally got it. When she showed the boy, he was surprirsed and soon challenged her to a dance off, she agreed. In the end there was no winner, but Hana finally had felt closer to the boy. They grew even closer, almost sibling close, when their parents annouced to being engaged the year of Hana's 16th birthday. Hana grew to like the man and was soon able to trust him. A month after Hana's 17th birthday, the couple were wed, and two broken little families were once again one happy one.


Step-father: Moon Tae-hyun || 49 || Lawyer || alive || fatherly, strict, caring, comforting, strong || closeness 9
mother: Kang Minhee || 45 || Nurse || alive || motherly, strict, naggy, caring, protective || closeness 1
Step-Brother: Moon JongUp || 18 || Idol-BAP || alive  || energetic, kimd, protective, lovable, childish || closeness 8


best friend: Amber Liu || 20 || Idol-F(x) || laid-back, cool, nice, caring, protective || they are very close; Amber is Hana's best friend since they were young. they are both very close; both growing up in the states. So when they see one another they actually just speak English together, though Hana's mother tongue is Chinese. Amber is always there for Hana and Hana looks up to Amber as an older sister and best friend.
friend: Pyo Jihoon || 20 || Idol-Block B || funny, cool, nice, fun, lovable || he is very protective of her and treats her like a little sister. She isn't the type to go around with aegyo and be like "Oppa~" when she seems him; no, when they see each other it is more suttle and they may just high-five. Since they first met, P.O. haa treated her like a little sister, and she sees him as an older brother. Though when he tries hugging her, she just elbows him in the stomach or dodges it.

°˖✧You're Mine✧˖°

love interest: Hyuk
back-up love interest: Ravi
personality: He is sort of a laid-back kind of guy. He is pretty awkward around new people and strangers, not knowing how to interact with them. However, once they start to become closer, he then opens up more and is able to be himself. He can joke around alot and loves to laugh. He has a biright smile that can make others smile as well. He is not like an energetic kid hyped up on candy; however, he can be stubborn at times, not wanting to take "no" for an answer, somethimes Hana mistakes him for the baby(Jk). but, he may not look it, he is the type to be easily jealous. He may not like to admit it and will deny it entirely, but one can plainly see when he is jealous. He would have his brows furrowed and have a pout on his lips. Hana likes to when he seems angry and jealous, she believes it to be "fun and interesting."
first meeting: Hana had initially known of this band prior being on HELLO BABY with one of them; well, she had not physically met, but she knew of them. She had heard plenty of times girls fauning over them and screaming each of them names; also she knew of them since they were a rookie group similar to her ste-brother's. But, when she had gotten accepted and met them on Hello Baby, she was very shocked and surprised. She had initally only sent in the form as a joke, not really meaning to get accepted. But, once she met the guy, she really didn't know what to think. She had met the members of B.A.P of course, because of her brother and she knew some idols, so meeting another idol was not really new. She didn't really freakout like some obsessed fangirl, but it was just a big shock. It was pretty awkward for her, since she isn't the type to be a socialite and go around being all bubbly and happy; no, she is sort of the "keeps-to-herself" him of person. So when she met him it was very weird and she didn't know what to say. So she just gave him a pretty forced smile, but he didn't seem to care and just nodded at her. Thus the beginning of their little show together.
how you interact: In the beginning it was pretty awkward between them. They would not talk much, maybe a just a few words here or there. But, once they started seeing more of one another and were taking care of a child then they started to grow closer. They shared some laughs and grew a little more open with one another. They soon were comfortable being together and would talk more. They soon became friends, but growing closer and closer, the friend zine may not have last long.

°˖✧Love Letter✧˖°

*love rival: Choi Junhong (Zelo; BAP)
personality: He is a happy-go-lucky bunny! He loves to joke around and play around. He is the maknae of BAP and one can plainly see he is by they way he acts. He is not entirely serious, only when performing and rapping. He loves to perform and loves to play jokes. He and Hana are pretty similar, personality wise. Both are very young and both are very sarcastic. He is actually very pure and innocent, not knowing much of "nasty stuff," so if someone tells him something "nasty" he will either be confused and ask someone, or just turn very red. He can be extremely jealous, but is able to hide it well with his happy outer appearance. But, when jealous he can become a bit paranoid, sad, or angry. He doesn't like to share, and one can plainly see that by how protective he is of the girl he likes.
first meeting: They met when JongUp met them. Yea, Hana wanted to see who his new members were, so she went along with him to check them out. Curiousity won her over; anyways, when Hana stepped in to the room following JongUp from behind, the first person that came up to her was this really scary looking guy with too deep of a voice for a twenty-two year old, but Hana could tell just by his leadership aura that he was the Leader of the group. The other guys in the room was another older looking guy, that just nodded at her presence; a guy that looked about a year or so older than she, and a guy that looked either a year younger or the same age as she. But, she could tell he was the tallest and the most hyper. He came up to her next after the Leader and said hi with his overly happy smile. She just said hey and went to go where her brother was, since she really wasn't the type to go and meet new people. But, the tall guy didn't let her and actually boldly grabbed her wrist, dragging her out of the room. 'WHAT THE HE-" She was about to shout at the guy, until he put his hand over and his pointer finger towards his lips. "Be quiet" he whispered, but Mai was in no mood so she just bit him. He yelped in pain and of course ultimately let go. "now then, why the heck did you drag me here" Mai said in a very threatening tone; his explanation was veryy dumb "Because I wanted to get to know you?" Mai popped a vein and was so close to punching the guy until he said "Wait, wait, wait! I just wanted to grap your attention and be your friend!" Mai still had her fist up, but she started to open up her fist, Junhong thhought this was a good sign until she slapped him across the face with all of her might. It left a giant red hand-mark. "OUCH! What was that for?!" He shouted. "For being a idiot and coming up with a stupid excuse. But, I like your attitude for trying at least. Even though you were coward-ing when i raised my fist, I thought your reaction was price-less! Thanks for making this intersting, guy." She then smirked before heading back to where the room they came from. Junhong was just left in a confused daze. 
how you interact: More than aquaintances, less than friends. They don't really see eye to eye, but Mai claims that he makes her life interesting. He is fun to tease and fool, she says. Junhong actually likes to tease Mai as well by back-hugging her; but that back fires when he becomes even more hurt. They see each somewhat ofter, since she goes to visit her brother at times. They have similar personalities, but that does not mean they are close. They are both pretty dumb about love, but many think they like each other since they are very sarcastic and like to tease one another; of course that comment only leaves a confused Hana and blushing Junhong.


question: why do you wish to be on HELLO BABY with VIXX?

Sorry, I hope this does not offend anyone, but I meant to apply as though I felt I wouldn't get in anyway. But don't get me wrong, the group is pretty bad-a** and their music is really nice, but I'm not of the crazed fangirl club that swoons and drools over gifs and posters of their abs. But, I would like to be on the show, not specifically for the group, but really for the kid. I am no pedo, what I mean is that I love kids and they are secretly my ultimate weakness. They are very cute and I would like to take care of one again. Plus, it would get me ready for when I may actually be a mother when older.

question: are you good with dealing with children?

Surprisingly, yes, yes I am. I know it may seem sorta weird with my rowdy sort of personality, but I do enjoy hanging out with kids. Here is a secret; Kids are actually one of my secretly, major weaknesses. I find them sooo freakin' adorable and fun to play with. Sorry for gushing so much, but I really do think they are interesting. I don't know why myself, but they like to stick to me like leeches, it's not like I mind, but I find it strange and cute. I guess since I also like to play around alot, that they like to also play with me. I know how to occupy a kid as well; though I may not have any younger siblings, that doesn't mean I don't know how to take care of a younger kid.

question: what is your favorite VIXX song and why?

Honestly, here is a secret; I am not fluent in Korean. But, being the sister of a Korean idol does have some of it's perks, meaning I can understand some words. I do have a favorite song of this band, truthfully it is one of the only songs I have heard from them, but it is a sweet one; I believe it is called "Don't Want to Be An Idol." I say it is my favorite, not only because it was the first one I had heard by them, but because it gives off a sort of sweet message of an idol dating someone that isn't an idol. I find it sort of nice and soothing, that they guy will do anything just to see her, even if it means giving up his dream. *snaps back to reality* Oh! Sorry for gushing...

questions: how do you feel about interacting with children? would you feed them? change their diapers? play with them?

I really do like kids ^^ I love to play with them, some even say that sometimes I'm a kid myself; which I do take as a compliment :P Anyways, I would not be scared to feed or change them; hoestly, I have babysat for some neighbors before when I lived back in the States. So I do have some experience in child care, I do somewhat understand the whole process of taking care of a child and especially what NOT TO DO. This is from personal experience *shivers* /mumbles to self/ never again...I mean,  since I also do like to play sports and hang out, I would be glad to play with the kid; I mean, I play with my brother all the time *cricket noise* okay then, anyways, I would not hesitate to play or help the kid out; I would not shy away when the kid is hurt or sick, I would do anything I can to make them feel better.

°˖✧Light Me Up✧˖°

questions? comments? concerns?: nope, just hope it's good enough( I'm sorry if its REALLY bad ><)  and sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors
suggestions?: n/a-sorry none at the moment
password: BOY!~ ( is this correct? )



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