Temporary Hiatus T^T

The final tests on my campus would start on 24 June up to 5 July. Then on 8 July,we Moslems have to start fasting. Yes,there will be looooong holidays because the new semester would start on September x) *dance ADTOY happily*



*insert scary music here because drum roll is inappropriate for the news*


I won't be able to write during the final tests weeks :'( I mean,I won't be able to update "The Lazarus" and "Run With Me!" but I'll probably have time for myself to write the drafts before putting it online. I really am sorry but second year as Communication major student is harsh T^T and as my es friends could graduate after 4 years of college,I'm gonna have to take at least 5 years #sigh alright,no need to worry about it. I'm not gonna worry about my future here LOL


So by this blog,I'm here to tell you that I'll be on a two weeks hiatus for both fics.

And that means I would have to leave all the catch ups of 2PM too. Imagine how much I'll have to update once the final tests are done! God,please give me some strength T^T


That's all from me now.

Hope ya'll doing awesome and not mentally wrecked like my current state ^^


<3 Erin <3


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we have exam in the same time huhhuhuhuhuhuhu....