( ♥ ) - the romantic and the idol ↷ [ Yoo Kyungsik ]

i don't wanna be single anymore.

Yoo Kyungsik



i wanna love

username: puffysoo

profile link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/270421

how should i address you : soobuns


i'm da one


name: Yoo Kyung Sik

date of birth: October 4, 1991

age: 22 y.o

birthplace: Gangwon, South Korea

hometown: Seoul

ethnicity: Korean


is looks everthing

idol face claim: Wonder Boyz's Young Boy

links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

backup face claim: VIXX's Leo

links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


you don't know me

personality: Kyungsik is a really calm person. He is seldom to be seen in panic state. He can handle problem well so people always depend on him. Kyungsik speaks only when he thinks it's necessary. He will initiate the first conversation with you if he finds you interesting or comfortable. Therefore, it doesn't mean that he's a picky person. He is only a little bit shy, introvert side of a type A man.

Once you are close to him, you fill find that he's quite talkative. He really cares with other's feeling so he will try his best not to hurt you. When he has problem, he'll keep it himself, only spill it when he isn't able to hold it anymore. He seldom scolds people or be angry with other. You can say that he can maintain his emotion very well.

how do you treat someone when you like them: Kyungsik will be talkative to them. He won't think twice to help them if they need it. If they seem to be sad or angry, he will think that it's because of him, so he always tries to cheer them up.

how do you treat someone when you don't like them : Kyungsik won't really show that he doesn't like a person that clearly. He'll just be silent around people he doesn't like. Sometimes,he'll ignore them or speak with sarcasm to them.


  • cheerful but not annoying people
  • music
  • cheesecake
  • blended drink, like frappe or bubble tea
  • fiction,fantasy or sci-fi books
  • light-blue colored things
  • food


  • heavy metal
  • sea cucumber
  • overly sweet food and drink
  • some kind of insects
  • insensitive people
  • food to be left-over


  • sleeping
  • eating ; absolutely
  • reading books
  • listening to music while doing something
  • covering songs and dance moves
  • jogging in the morning
  • drawing potraits


  • scratching his head while he's embarassed or has no idea what to talk
  • patting somebody's head
  • mumbling when he's annoyed or angry
  • checking his phone first after he gets up


  • he has a pet dog named Dani
  • some people thought he's a mean person because of his silence character
  • he has been in relationship 2 times; once when he was in high-school and once in university but he broke up a few months ago
  • he used to take piano class that's why he knows a bit about it
  • he knows how to cook ; especially italian pasta and some korean cuisine
  • is a fanboy of afterschool but not really show this side much


what is love

Q: what is your ideal type of guy/girl

A: I like a girl who is the opposite of me. Bubbly and cheerful, talkative but not to the extent that she's annoying. A girl who loves sci-fi and fantasy story is preferred though. One last thing, she must love me the way i am and care about me. I don't really look at outer appearance much, better inside personality is the most important.


Q: what is your ideal type of guy/girl

A: GLAM's Zinni , A Pink's Bomi, SNSD's Tiffany


Q: Your ideal type of date

A: I'd like to go on a date in a cozy cafe, where we can spend time knowing each other more. Then, i'll bring her to her most favorite place if possible, having dinner together and making an unforgettable moment. I want a date in which both of us can be comfortable.


Q: Only for guys: Place a picture of the flowers you want to give to the girls. + name if possible

A:      Camellia


Q: Only for girls: what do you want a guy to do for you

A: -


Q: Your favourite song :

A: One Way - Beautiful Day

Q: What is the one think that you wish to do with the person you love?
A: I'll try hard not to make her hurt or cry. I will always be right there for her if she needs me, i will be there to comfort her in her sadness. I won't leave her if i can, it's better if i'm the one being left.
Q:  What if you are implicated in a love triangle?
A: I will try my best to make her mine. But if in the end, i figure out how much she loves the other man, i'll back off and wish for her happiness.
please don't go
suggestions for the stories: maybe you could put some behind the scene short story of their days ouo;
comments: i try my best to describe the personality because i'm a bit at it u_u;; anyway, i like the concept of the story~keke. fighting! o/
scene requests: -



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