For Doll house

So I became a reviewer and she told me to put it in a blog post. Title: it did match what the story was lurring to a reader. Description/Foreword: your description was nice and friendly making people want to comment. Your foreword made me want to read chapter one and understand his pain. Plot: very nice! I never got bored and I love that it ended on a good note. Character development: I think they grew nicely. Grammar/spelling: for someone learning english you could've fooled me. I saw a few mistakes but they were forgivable so be proud! Appearance: I like your poster it fit the mood you created but you didn't use much of appearance. My personal note: I adored the whole story girl excellent work! You need to space after flash backs though. I thought it was a huge paragraph. But I upvoted because you deserved it! And I loved the characters they were a unique couple.


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perhaps not on the topic but: how does one become a reviewer in here? :)