Apollo's Academy Application


Lee Yue



» Username: Panda3093
» User Activity: 9-10 (summer break, baby~~)
»Hey You:
» Her/His Name: Lee Yue
» Ethnicity: Chinese
» Nicknames Name(s): Yue || Alex(English Name) || Yue-Yue
» Birth Date: August 15, 1996
» Age: 17
» Languages: Greek || Roman || English || Chinese || Korean
» Hometown: New York, USA
» Parents:
  • Mother (Lee Sunhi) - human | caring, lovable, motherly, tough, pretty, nice, hard-working | Designer
  • Father (Zeus) - Greek god | strict, powerful, a leader, caring, can be kind, protective | God of Gods and Lord of the Sky
» Siblings: Lee Hana | 12 | innocent, sharp, sarcastic, looks up to Yue for guidance
Moon JongUp | 18 | not a real sibling, but they are close like ones, he lives with them; he is actually the son of Ares | nice, caring, protective, energetic, a fighter, strong
» Friends: Amber Liu | 18 | Daughter of Selene(Goddess of the Moon) | laid-back, cool, caring, protective, strong
»To The Beautiful You :
» Face: Kite(Ulzzang) | Mikki (Ulzzang)
» Visual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 -- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
» Style: Some think of her as a child of Hades, because of her dark looking attire, but she actually just wears the clothes to wear it. She is a total tomboy and wil NEVER wear heels or skirts or dresses with tons of make-up and perfume on, unlike the Aphrodite girls. Yue had a comfortable and simple style, not much to say besides the fact that she will always wear her sneakers with anything and everything.
»Just  The Way You Are :
» Personality: being the daughter of Zeus, she has the fiery attitude like him. She is the type of person to speak her mind and never regret her actions. She has a very straight forward personality, meaning that her words can sometimes be extremely hurtful. She is not the type to be taken over by emotions and start crying immediately when she is sad, no, she is strong-willed and one would usually see her showing little to no emotion. She is able to actually take many hits and beatings and can still be standing. She is not only mentally but also physically strong which helps in sparring matches; she is able to withstand many beatings for a while before dropping down. However, also like her father, she can be very stubborn. She is not one to take "no" for an answer, which also means that she can be pretty persistant at times, making the person, almost forcing, them to agree with her. She does not have charmspeak like the Aphrodite kids, but she doesn't need it because her aura of authority surrounding her and her solid words are intimidating enough to make people listen.
People think that she is a natural born leader similar to her father, but she sees it differently. She doesn't think that a "leader" should be going around pulling pranks and being sarcastic to the teachers, so she can't see herself being a leader. Yue is also not the type to second-guess herself, but really just go all out and never regret doing so. She is a quick thinker as well, not a Athena kid smart, but pretty smart enough. Yue is thought to be highly dangerous, because she is very unprdeictable and sneaky, so many are cautious around her.
Truthfully she is a caring sort of girl, she cares for her loved ones and those she is close with. She may not publicly show it, but she truly does seem to show concern for her loved ones, whether hurt or not.
Yue has somewhat of a temper like her father. She has better resistance to idiocy and annoying people, well more than her father at least, but if someone were to push the right buttons, then she is no more than a ticking time bomb. But, she is a very determined, she is not one to back down from a challenge but instead face it head-on!
Ttuthfully, she is NOT perfect. She is actually far from it. She may seem strong, but she can be very weak and once she becomes close with someone or something, she may end up attached to it--and ever letting it go would be hard for her. She is also extremely dense! She knows NOTHING about "love", she can't even tell when some guy is hitting on her or trying to pick her up. She won't even notice a person holding up an "I LOVE YOU" sing right infront of her face. But, this also means that is NOT the type to blush or become easily embarrassed.
» Likes: animals || stormy weather || sports || sarcasm || pranks || skateboards || music || her headphones
» Dislikes: bratty snobs || prideful people || players || skinship || heels || cowards || losing || cheaters || lovey-dovey couples || her father


» Fears: losing her mother or sister || crying in front of others || someone hearing her sing or play an instrument


» Habits: sad-bites her lip to prevent from crying || furious-will cuss and her powers may go berserk || mad- will yell and crack her knuckles

» Hobbies: training || sparring || playing with the weather || pulling pranks || playing sports || observing others' actions


» Trivia:

+has an accessory that holds her secret weapon

+has a secret hell-hound, that only so many know of

+smirks more than smiles

+thought of as more of a daughter of Hades because of her appearance

+likes to fool around with people's state of sanity

+good at hand-to-hand combat

+best in P.E. class because of her athletic and flexible stature

+on the swimming and sword fighting club

+able to play (not Greek instruments) but bass guitar and electric violin

+thought of as a troublemaker-she is smart- she likes to goof off which ticks most of the teachers off

+very good with animals (all types really, Greek/Roman, Modern day, etc.)


» Powers and Talents:

`Powers:Ability to control: weather(sky)/lightning manipulation/light manipulation


+very persuasive

+ has a great pker face

+ is strong mentally and physically

+ is able to adapt to many things fairly quickly

+ is a survivor and fighter if anything

+ best in sparring

+ may be able to control her powers better than some


»You'll Be In My Heart :
» Name: Choi Junhong | Kim Myungsoo
» idol/ulzzang & back up idol/ulzzang: Idol: Choi Junhong(BAP)
» Personality: He is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy that seems very innocent on the outside with his cute appearance, but being the son of Apollo, he also grew up as a flirt. He is one of those guys that steal girls' heart from any age group, whether it be noonas or dongsaengs, it doesn't matter. He is kind and generous which does help in the girls falling for his prince-like looks and personality. Really, Zelo isn't truly a player that has a new girl under his arm every other week; no, he truly does care for others and wouldn't want to hurt them, so he doesn't. Truthfully and secretly, Zelo has never had his first kiss yet. many girls have tried flinging themselves at him, but he is able to dodge them soon enough.
» Age: 17
» Ethnicity: Korean
» Nicknames: Zelo
» Hometown: Mokpo, South Korea
» Family: No siblings or mother
Father - Apollo - (age unknown) - headmaster
» Demigod?:  yes - he is a child of the god Apollo himself.
» Powers?:
`Powers: 1) able to use his voice as a power - sing a song to heal others or speak a rythm to curse others.
2) Has Photokinesis
» How They Act Around You: Zelo seems to intrigue Yue, she doesn't romantically like the guy, but he is fun to play around with. She likes to tease that guy and make sarcastic remarks towards him. They are more than aquaintances, yet less than friends. Zelo seems to feel quite similar towards yue, may be even more. He likes to be skinshippy with her, yet since she hates it, his action back-fires. They seem pretty cclose, but really yue is still weary of his presence and doesn't truly trust the guy so easily.
» How You Met: They met upon Yue hearing Zelo singing. She thought the guy wasn't bad and just hid while listening to him. She felt his voice was very calming and soothing that it also made her very calm. She sensed he stopped and was walking towards her so she just stood up and played it off as though she just happened to have arrived at the scene. since she is able to be very persuasive and has an excellent poker face, it wasn't that hard to make him believe her.



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