50 Questions

Of course, it's been a while since I've last been here. And, I know, I haven't updated at all, I apologize, but I will update on this. My blog. Once in a while.

I am currently writing my story that I was deliberating on whether or not I should post on here, which is a possible yes, since I am steadily making progress on it. The only way I will post it on here is if I completely finish it. That probably won't be happening until next year or something.

But right now I leave this as proof that I am still here. Just, on hiatus. Still.



Stolen from MusicChibi.


1. How many pets do you own? 

Do cockroaches, ants, and spiders count? Because I have a lot of those roaming around in my house. :3


2. What’s your least favorite season?

I don't think I have a least favorite season. Basically, where I live, it's like summer all year round. Actually, there's only, like, two seasons in Hawaii. Summer season. And rainy season. Basically.


3. Do you prefer to text or call?

Depends. Usually I prefer to text, but if whoever I text won't reply to me or if it's something business- or professional-related, then I resort to calling them.


4. Morning or night?



5. Do you like tacos?

Ehhh, ocassionally.


6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Can I say both? Lol. Because I like people, and I also hate people. It just depends on my mood, really. But normally I'm an extrovert.


7. What’s your favorite desert?



8. Do you enjoy walks?

I enjoy long walks to the refrigerator. But not at night because that's when the cockroaches come out.


9. Are you a frequent user of Facebook?

Yes. It's actually just a "filler" for my browser when I'm on the computer, but that's where I usually talk to my friends if it's not by phone or in person. First site to log on, first site to log off.


10. Do you watch animated shows still?

Uh, DUH. Spongebob Squarepants all day, everyday!


11. Can you roll your tongue?

I could, but then I haven't tried it at all when I had braces. Okay, I just tried it, since I don't have braces anymore, and I can. Lol.


12. What’s your “lucky” number?

Lucky number 7? Lol, I don't really have a lucky number. But I do have a favorite number. 14. Does that count? Lol.


13. Are you scared of anything?

Monsters, the dark, dying horribly, slowly, painfully, dying, germs, my home that's filled with spiders, cockroaches, and ants all over the place, heights... The list could go on forever, lol.


14. Big mac or big whopper?

From McDonalds I usually get a McChicken with extra mayo and extra lettuce, because I like them mayo and lettuce. And from Burger King I get a Whopper Jr. No Whopper Sr. for me.


15. Do you like to play board games?

Duh! I was not a deprived child, not like these kids nowadays with their iPhones and iPads and stuff.


16. Are you fond of romantic novels?

Really fond of, actually. If there's not hint of romance at all in any books, then I'll have a hard time reading it, unless the storyline is really good and it doesn't make me completely hate the main character or make me want to kill myself.


17. Fruitloops or cocopops?

Um... Fruitloops?


18. Would you eat a live spider for one million dollars?

How about can I not? That's ing disgusting. And it'd be ALIVE, TOO. Like, NO. I'm not that crazy for money! That reminds me, spiders. Fear list.


19. Are you a heavy drinker?

Yeah, well, I can't get enough of water, or else, you know, I'd die.


20. Would you forgive someone for cheating?

Nope. I'm not a desperate girl. "There are other fish in the sea." If you cheat once, there will always be that possibility that you'll cheat a second time. Or a third, or a fourth, or a hundredth time. So once you cheat on me, say bye bye boy.


21. Are you superstitious?

Yeah, but not AS superstitious as my Filipino mother.


22. Have you seen A Clockwork Orange?

What the hell is that? /Googles it/ Oh, no, I haven't. Is that bad?


23. Do you like to read?



24. Are you easily distressed?

Well, now, yes. Lately, yes. In the future, probably. I need a massage.


25. Do you believe in aliens?

Not unless I see one legit one in front of my very eyes. I do believe in "aliens" from other countries. You know, illegal immigrants. They're called aliens when they illegally cross the border into America. Or, when they're not a citizen of the country.


26. If you were the last person alive besides one other person you get to chose, who would it be?

Jang Dongwoo. So we can repopulate the earth.


27. Dogs or cats?

I'm more of a dog person, but cats are cute too.


28. Are you a grumpy person?

HAHA, yeah. I get irritated and angry pretty easily, but I also get over it pretty easily, too.


29. What’s something you hate?

Procrastination. That thing works like a , but it's so bad for your academic lifestyle.


30. Are you a worry wart?

I'm not a wart, but I do worry. I always worry, actually. I worry when my sister cries and she takes a breath after a million years of holding it in. Whenever she does that, I always hold my breath too until she inhales. I even worry when I don't finish my homework before it's due in like 10 minutes for class. Lol.


31. Do you like having your picture taken?

When I look gorgeous as , then yes.


32. Do you like cotton candy?

Oh, yes. I love cotton candy very, very much. Who wouldn't like cotton candy? They're basically edible painted cotton balls.


33. Would you ever use a dating site?

No. I wouldn't want to. It's just weird. I only date people who I have known in person.


34. Do you believe in ghosts?

I don't know, really. I think it's more of a yes though.


35. Rap or pop?

Kpop? Lol.


36. What’s the weirdest flavor of ice cream you’ve tried?

I only eat vanilla or chocolate. Like, the basic and plain ice cream ever. I rarely mix it up. I usually like them plain.


37. Do you like math?

I'm in AP Calculus this year, so I guess? LOL. I like algebra more than geometry though. geometry or anything related to geometry, it's so hard for me.


38. Are you the type of person to laugh at others misfortune?

Oh my God, YES. I would sorta feel bad, but then I would laugh like my sympathy for you wouldn't even matter. LOL. I would especially laugh at my closest friends' misfortunes. I mean, who wouldn't?


39. Love or lust?

Love, because if you "lust" them, you only want them ually. But love includes being emotionally committed, too. It's deeper than lust. Just read the Fallen series by Lauren Kate. You'll understand.


40. Do you remember lyrics easily?

Depends. Of course, with English songs, yes. Korean songs are harder, since they're in a language that I don't understand. But if they're catchy and I like it, then I can remember the lyrics easily.


41. What was/is your favorite school subject? 

Recess, lunch, or after school.


42: Do you like tattoos?

No. I think tattoos are a turn off, especially when it looks like tattoos consume all of their bodies. I mean, tattoos are distracting, too. I want to see your skin, not pictures or words that cover it. I want to see you fully , because, with tattoos, your real self is still covered.


43. Are you the type of person to lie?

Duh. Like, honestly, who hasn't lied at least once in their entire lives?


44. Do you eat porridge for breakfast?

I'm not like the three bears. I like saimin, foo.


45. What music are you listening to right now?

I'm on Pandora, and right now it's playing Lovebug by the Jonas Brothers. Oh yes, that teenage boy band who I grew up with. If you don't know or love the Jonas Brothers, don't bother trying to talk to me. And if you have never even had a small crush on any one of them, you will never become my friend. Lol. You just missed out on your entire childhood, man.


46. Are you allergic to anything?

I don't think so...


47. Do you like Lady Gaga?

Used to. I liked her in her Poker Face days, before the whole, she bang, outfits and craziness everywhere. Then she just dropped off the face of my life.


48. What about Nick Minaj?

She's okay. I mean, I don't hate her, but I also don't love her, either. I like her raps. She's not afraid to get low with her voice and stuff.


49. Do you like rainy days?

Nowadays, I like rainy days, but not when I'm super pretty or dressed up, then I start to get annoyed. I've always wanted to get kissed in the rain or at least dance in the rain or splash in the puddles with rain boots on, but I don't have a boyfriend or any admirer, I can't dance, and I don't have rain boots.


50. Last question, do you like pie?

Yes, I do love pie. Especially pumpkin pie.


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