Writing Style

I've always wondered what writing style people like more when it comes to OC characters

OC+Name : When in text when the OC does something, you refere to 'You'. as in your point of view, but when someone says there name. There isn't a line but a name like," Yoojin."

EX: You run thriough the forest while he screams your name," YOOOJIIINNN!!!"

Name : Where you now the original character is you to begin with, but the character has a name and one POV.

EX: Her hair stay perfectly still, even if she just fell 50 feet down the mountain. "YOOJINN!!" he still yells behind her.

You in general : No names, just lines. No her or she, but you.

EX: You run scared in the wilderness after twisting your ankle from the fall, quickly hiding in a bush to rest. A voice still screams for you," ______!!" 

I've always been wondering what people prefere... help? 


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I like names. You characters aren't the best way to write. I'm only writing in you in two of my stories and the rest are either first person or third. It's more professional that way