Why So Serious?

Not actually SHINee related


truth be told I have kind of lost my ability to properly function and all my stories are too serious right now and I just

I need to write something fun and stupid that doesn't make sense


So because I just have a lot going on and need a way to relax and be stupid I am going to start another crackfic and just blow through that whole thing and then I can return to my current stories which I haven't updated in absolutely forever because I can't bring myself to write anything serious because I need a break




this is my warning


I'mma be dumb now


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You're doing another crackfic? Yay! Haha! I love crackfics.. sometimes we all need a bit of nonsense in our lives to spice things up.. :)
Aww. Tumblr ppl will always understand you. ^^
Wanna help with my crack fic? I don't know how to do one really, but I started and people like the idea....