I've Gotten Over My Initial Fangirl Reaction and Now It's Time to Analyze

I screamed. I teared up a bit. I totally freaked. It's normal. It's B.A.P, after all. Now, the video teaser doesn't come out until tomorrow, so all I have to go off of is this pic:

All of the boys look amazing, no doubts there. However, I am a tad bit concerned about what the song will be like. Now, before you start hating on me, please understand I love all of them no matter what. I am totally not hating or degrading the boys, and I wouldn't do that even if I hated their song.

I loved "Warrior" when it first came out. Then "Power" came out, and...I didn't like the song. Loved the video, but the song wasn't doing it for me. So at that point I thought they were just gonna be one of those bands who can never match the bar they set for themselves with such a strong debut, but they quickly (and thankfully) proved me wrong with "No Mercy" and "Stop It." They get a lot of crap for doing cute and fun songs because of their masculine image, but I loved "Stop It" and "Crash." However..."Rain Sound." Just no.

B.A.P is one of those rare groups where (in my opinion) everyone is talented and good looking. Also, in my opinion, they have three distinct sounds that they can pull off. The first is, obviously, the manly, forceful song. No problems pulling that off. Under that image, however, are six guys who love to have fun and so I do love their aegyo-ridden songs. The third sound they pull off well is another powerful one, but of the, how should I say it? Heart-felt, soul-searchy kind? Songs like "Goodbye" and "Zero" freaking blew me away.

But I feel like B.A.P just can't do the miserable love ballad thing, like "Rain Sound." Judging from the boys' attire and even the name of the song, I immediately think this song is going to be about missing a girl who left the guy because he screwed up the relationship in the first place with his "commitment issues," and all of it is going to revolve around that moment he first saw her at an insignificant coffee shop. Now, I'm not saying I don't like this song already, I don't like what I THINK it will be, but they might even pull it off this time. You never know.

However, I really hope B.A.P has fooled me and it's nothing like what I think it will be. They have the potential to pleasantly shock anybody, and I hope they do it this time around. I'll have to wait until I see the teaser tomorrow to make a more solid judgement.

Even if I don't like the song, though, I'll still be screaming as I watch the MV. There will be good reactions regardless. Love you, B.A.P. ^^ I still don't think my body is ready for it, either. XD


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RainyMemoriesInHeart #1
Different people have different taste. I was frightened when I first heard Warrior. I heard Rain Sound on the radio and it caught my attention, maybe because I like sad songs. One shot is my favourite...
actually i think that song won't be anything like 'rain sound' and we can't really judge by the pic,cuz teaser images for 'stop it' were y bad boy type but song turned out to be fun aegyo type of song.
and i think 'rain sound' was kinda like experiment on how ppl will react to that type of song
I also didn't like Rain Sound at all. And judging by the title and the image, it doesn't seem like the badass hardcore songs they usually do. which is saddening for me.
But you never know. I remember for NU'EST they released the "The Moments" cover first where they're all hugging each other smiling in the middle of a bright desert and we all thought that they would do an upbeat song and look how wrong we were XD
But I hope they don't do something like Rain Sound again. Fingers crossed :)