50 Little Things [stolen from condorn]


50 little things

1.How many pets do you own? 



2. What’s your least favorite season?

Both summer and winter


3. Do you prefer to text or call?



4. Morning or night?



5. Do you like tacos?

Never tried


6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Introvert, totally


7. What’s your favorite desert?

Desert? Or Dessert?


8. Do you enjoy walks?

A lot!


9. Are you a frequent user of Facebook?

Yes... I don't want to be, though


10. Do you watch animated shows still?

I don't own a TV, but whenever i'm at my grandparents' house, yes!


11. Can you roll your tongue?



12. What’s your “lucky” number?

I don't have a "lucky", I have a "favorite": 7 and 13


13. Are you scared of anything?



14. Big mac or big whopper?

Double cheeseburguer + snack wrap ranch~


15. Do you like to play board games?



16. Are you fond of romantic novels?

Most of the times, yes


17. Fruitloops or cocopops?

I have no idea of what that is


18. Would you eat a live spider for one million dollars?

No, ew


19. Are you a heavy drinker?

I'm not~ 


20. Would you forgive someone for cheating?



21. Are you superstitious?



22. Have you seen A Clockwork Orange?



23. Do you like to read?



24. Are you easily distressed?



25. Do you believe in aliens?



26. If you were the last person alive besides one other person you get to chose, who would it be?

Can I say Kai? Today I woke up Kai-obsessed


27. Dogs or cats?

Dislike both


28. Are you a grumpy person?

Too much for my own good


29. What’s something you hate?



30. Are you a worry wart?

Not really


31. Do you like having your picture taken?

No, I hate ittt


32. Do you like cotton candy?

Yes, even though I haven't tried one in years


33. Would you ever use a dating site?

Uh, no, I don't think so


34. Do you believe in ghosts?



35. Rap or pop?

Rap, if I had to choose between those


36. What’s the weirdest flavor of ice cream you’ve tried?

I don't try anything weird


37. Do you like math?

I would love to understand it, yes


38. Are you the type of person to laugh at others misfortune?

No, why would I?


39. Love or lust?



40. Do you remember lyrics easily?

Some of them


41. What was/is your favorite school subject? 

I don't have THE favorite, but, overall, I liked them all


42: Do you like tattoos?

Depends on the tattoos


43. Are you the type of person to lie?

No, I can't lie


44. Do you eat porridge for breakfast?

Cereals ftw


45. What music are you listening to right now?

A weird radio station


46. Are you allergic to anything?

To dust


47. Do you like Lady Gaga?



48. What about Nick Minaj?



49. Do you like rainy days?

Why not


50. Last question, do you like pie?

Yes I do~


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