goodbye, sort of.

I'm leaving AFF. 

Well, no, actually, I'm not going to formally deactivate this account just yet. 

I'm "retiring" from writing, though I don't think "retiring" is the suitable term here. It's more like I'm quitting writing. I've lost all motivation to write, and even now that I have free time since I've graduated from high school, I still cannot bring myself to write. I've read at least 10-15 books these past four weeks, hoping that they would give me inspiration, but alas, reading did not give me the result I had wanted. I've also lost my interest in k-pop, though I do tend to update myself on the gossip once in a while. As a result, I made the painful decision to simply stop writing in order to stop giving false hope and to relieve some of the stress I've been having lately.

I'm still going to occasionally log back on to read the stories I've subscribed to and to be somewhat updated on the life of the friends I've made here, but in terms of my activities on AFF, they will stop there. The stories that I have up so far will be taken down and be labeled as drafts, only because I'm wary of the storylines being taken (though, yes, I do realize that plots tend to repeat). 

To my subscribers (if any of you read this), I realize that I've made plenty of excuses regarding my indefinite hiatus, and I'm really, really, really sorry for being so flaky. It shames me for constantly disappointing you on the lack of updates.

To the friends I've made on here, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your moral support, from the gifts you've bestowed upon me in order to motivate me (you know who you are, and I honestly can't thank or tell you enough how much your actions mean to me) to just letting me somewhat rant. You guys mean the world to me.


If you guys would like to stay in touch - because I won't be going on to AFF as frequently anymore - I'll leave my tumblr for anyone who wants to keep in touch. Please feel free to talk to me!

Tumblr: lost--in-time


Alright, I'm going to stop this note here.

It's been a great run as an author, and maybe one day, I'll finally be able to start writing again.

I love you all and thank you so much for putting up with my flakiness, bull writing abilities, and other nonsense.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors!


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