

When I went home, I was so horrified and worried for the children in Connecticut that I forgot all about my worries. Channel after channel, I was glued to the tv, rehearing the number of deaths and reseeing the sight of parents, friends, aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters, brothers crying. Why anyone would target children, barely taking their first step into adolescence and childhood, is beyond my knowledge. 


I wonder if anyone else realized that this was not the only horror that happened today. Halfway across the world, in China, a man, who, acording to the press, has mental problems, slashed 22 children and one adult early in the morning when they were starting to arrive at school. I cannot believe that people are taking this issue in China lightly, claiming that the story is simply fabricated. One commenter believes that this school is "a ninja school" and that the attack was "a drill". First of all, wrong country. Second of all, how ignorant can you be? Children were attacked. Simple as that. To pass this off as a hoax is insulting to the parents of those children.


It's terrifying to hear that there were two attacks on children and adults on the exact same day.


What has the world come to?


In my opinion, the debates online about the gun policy in America are taking away from the horrors that went on today. The arguement is sound, and I honestly do think that things need to change, but can't we take a rest from politics for one day and focus back to the parents and children? Where is the compassion? The emotions?


I don't believe in religion, but I do believe in a being that is somewhat in control. 


Everyone is in my prayers.


[Edit]: I would like to remind everyone to be careful on December 21st. There will be some people that honestly believe that the world will end that day, and I'm afraid of what their mindset will make them do. Please be careful, because after seeing the horrific events today, I don't know what will happen. 


****This is a repost of my friend-only blog post.


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