♫ { Han Joonsik } 


Username : puffysoo

Activeness : 8

Nickname/What should I call You?: soobuns


 About Me 

Character Name: Han Joon Sik

English Name : -

Birthday: 03/15/1992

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Bloodtype: O

Height: 179 cm

Weight: 63 kg

Ethnicity : Korean

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (conversational), Chinese (basic)

Personality: Being a type 'O' made Joonsik become a stubborn person. He never hears what people say about him, he's confident with his own style of thinking and behaving. He loves socializing, being in a crowded place or center of attention always hypes him up. On and off stage is the same for him. He always shows his cheerful side to maintain the good mood. Although he tends to hide his real feelings, sometimes he couldn't handle it anymore and will spill it out to his closest or best friend. His ambitious and passionate side make him a natural leader. He will provide s with motivation whenever they need it. One important thing, he doesn't like if people underestimate what he has done. As he has stated, there's no give up word in his dictionary, he'll make you feel sorry for saying that.

Family Background: Joonsik came from an ordinary family. His father is an owner of a small family restaurant in Seoul and her mother helps him as the main cook. He has a younger sister who he treasures a lot. Joonsik who really enjoys rapping, joined an underground rapper crew but not for too long because one day, his father caught him when he got back from his 'work', with half-beaten face and bleeding arm. He had to focused on his study after that, leaving his dream of being a underground rapper behind. A few years later, after he graduated from high school, he decided to join an open audition by a management in which he was then accepted as a trainee. Joonsik's father opposed it at first but with persuasion from his sister, he let him continue his way.

Likes : His mother's hand-made steamed buns, coffee, headphone, black or grey colored things, hip-hop music, his sister's cheeks

Dislikes : NATO (No Action Talk Only) kind of people, cakes, animal's fur, cigarettes, uncooked food (like fresh octopus or salmon)

Hobbies : Practicing rap, composing rap parts of song, playing basketball, swimming, being a couch-potato

Habits : Smirking instead of smiling, pinching his sister's cheeks, rubbing his nape when he's embarassed, furrowing his eyebrows

Trivia :

- He is a sister-complex.

- He is a very daring person. He got home beaten after helping his fellow underground crew in a fight with other gang.

- His voice is very husky and heavy causing him to be called Snitchel (a character in 'Chowder' cartoon)

- Has a well-built body


 Don’t Judge Me By My Looks  

Ulzzang: Hwang Jin Uk

Photos : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Back-Up Ulzzang: Park Ji Hyeob

Photos : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Extras : He has tattoos on his left, right arms, and near his collarbones. 1

Style : Joonsik enjoys wearing casual outfits. His preference is short pants to long pants. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


 We Are Family~ 

Mother: Jung Ha Rin/ 45y.o/ Alive/ Housewife, Cook/ Talkative, sensitive and very caring to other / Close

Father: Han Kookmin/ 50 y.o/ Alive/ Owner of a restaurant/ Humorous,strict,serious in certain time/ Quite close

Sibling : Han Joohye/ 18y.o/ Alive/ High-school student/ Cheerful,a little bit spoiled,picky/ Very close}


 You Got A Friend In Me~ 

Best Friend : Yu Barom/ 24y.o/ Idol/ Playful, talkative but strict when it comes to practicing/ Very Close/ Joonsik met Barom when he was a trainee at Yedang Ent. Barom was his senior there.They got on well because of their music preference and kinda similar personality.

Friend : Cha Seokhee/ 22y.o/ Trainee/ Calm,mother-ish personality / Close/ Met at YMC Entertainment, Seokhee was a new trainee, she got there 3 months after Joonsik. They got close because Seokhee once found Joonsik cried and consoled him.


 STOP! In The Name Of Love 

Love Interest~

Name: Bang Minah

Age: 21 y.o

Birthday: 05/13/1993

Occupation: Idol

Personality: Bubbly, friendly, and talkative.

Relationship: Not really close as they only met once.

How did you meet?: They met at the broadcasting station when Joonsik came with another trainees to

cheer for Ailee's comeback stage. Joonsik was left behind and he didn't know the way to Ailee's waiting

room. Fortunately, he bumped with Minah who later told him where's the waiting room.

Scene Request: Joonsik meets Minah again on Genuine's debut stage which is at the same date with

Girl's Day's comeback.

Back-Up Love Interest~

Name: Kim Ah Young (Yura)

Age: 22 y.o

Birthday: 11/16/1992

Occupation: Idol

Personality: Cheerful, agile and positive

Relationship: Relatively close

How did you meet?: Joonsik met Yura at a convenience store. Yura wanted to get a box placed high on the shelf but she couldn't reach it. Joonsik helped her and she thanked Joonsik by treating him a cup of coffee. They conversed a little before Yura quickly got back to her van.

Scene Request: They bump each other again at the same convenience store.


 It’s All About Me 

Stage Name: Joonsik

Stage Nickname: Uncontrollable rapper, Junsikkie

Persona: Couch-potato Husky

Fanclub: Joonfeels

Fanclub color : #8F8E91

Position: Rapper, Sub-vocalist

Back-Up Position: Main Rapper, Lead Vocalist

How did you become a Trainee?: He moved from Yedang after he was accepted in YMC Ent's online audition. At first, he just joined the audition for fun but after a long temptation, he decided to move. His other reason was because it's hard for him to follow Yedang Ent's new training system.

Trainee Years: 5 years. (2 years at Yedang Ent. and 3 years at YMC Ent.)


- Joined as a trainee in Yedang Entertainment at first and move to YMC Entertainment 2 years later.

- Called as hidden underground rapper by fellow trainees.

- Most of his time was spent in practice room or studio to make new rap song.

- Likes to stick to another members and asks them for food when he's hungry.








Rivalry Type:

Reason for Rivalry:



Comments/Questions/Concerns: Finally, i finished this application o u o  I'm really sorry for non-sense things to be found here, ruined grammar and many typos. I hope you guys like my app. Thank you!

Anything else you wanna add?: -

Album name suggestions: Start from 0

Debut song suggestions: EXO-K's Wolf o u o;; keke~

sub-unit group name suggestions: -

Scene Suggestions/Requests: Genuine is invited to weekly idol as a new influential rookie-dol

Fan club name suggestions: -



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