
Hi guys xD Guess who is lost in a Greek town where rarely anyone speaks good English? The weather is good and I'm drinking some yummy bubble tea but I forgot wher our apartment is xD I'll keep on walking soon. Byee ♥


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momokitten #1
? Did you get back?~ The title of this post made me freak :-O I'm sure you did since your little miss smartypants ^-^
Haha seems like You aren't worried xD
Good luck! :)
Omg have fun! Enjoy yourself thoroughly! And make sure to fin your way back! XD ♥♥♥♥
Good luck! Stay safe and have fun!!

But save some bubble tea for me! *hugs*
Mawyna #5
Aww..must be someone here..but definitely not me..kekeke.. Take care..enjoy your holidays..don't stray too far..
exoalways #6
LOL <3 sounds like fun <3