☁Wonderland's arrival / Ling Yue / Cheshire☁

"Ling Yue"

name: Ling Yue

*second name: Cheshire

*nickname(s): Yue || Mew-Mew || Kitten

race:  Neko-Demon/Witch

age: 17

birth date: 14/2/????[year unknown]

birth Place: Hong Kong, China

hometown: Hell & Wonderland

ethnicity: --- 

languages: Nekorian || English || Chinese || Korean || German

bio/background: She was born of a Neko-Demon mother and Warlock father. Her father and Mother met in Hong Kong and soon were wed. Their daugter was able to transform into a kitten at will and had magical abilities. Yue also has an older brother that she does not like to talk about. Her older brother is similar to her father and is only a magician/warlock. He does have the ability similar to her's which is transforming into a black cat. It is not that Yue hates her brother, it is just that...it's complicated. Her father on the surface had the job of a Lawyer, but his main job was underground, more specifically Hell. He was a noble man underground and her mother was also very respected. Her father's main job was as a warlock who casted spells and was the god of death, or in Greek terms "Thanatos." Not many knew that "Thanatos" was a warlock, but many just thought that little fact was not important.

Yue grew up as a powerful girl and learned the ways of gods and demons, she also learned to grow up on her own. Her mother and father like to live in the underworld, since that is where their original home and jobs are. While Yue likes to be adverterous and go off on her own path. So she resides in Wonderland, where she goes by her own rules. She does not listen to the Queen, since the Queen is never able to find her. She does not have to go and hide in fear, but she does like to reside in the forest of Wonderland, where many visitors come. She is known as the "Cheshire Cat." She has a different perspective of reality; while many just think she's off her rocker, she just believes her reality is different from your's.

personality: [The Queen is back in the GAME!]- Yue is one that does not need to run and hide from the Queen, actually the Queen never notices Yue's presence. Not many see Yue, only those that she wants to show herself to. Yue has the ability of invisibilty so it is not that hard to not be seen. She likes to play around with others sense of sanity, it is like a game for her. Since not many see her or know of her presence, she does not have many allies, which doesn't bother her. But, she does get along fairly well with the Mad Hatter, she believes since they are somewhat "equal" on a sense of sanity. No one is truly sane in Wonderland, they just like to believe they are. Yue likes to be confusing, weird, right? Well, she likes to confuse others, whether it be popping out of nowhere or mixing up her words. She believes it to be entertaining for her, and no one can tell her she can't. She is sort of a "loner" since she just lazes around usually and doesn't go out to talk to anyone. She is not anti-social but she likes to keep to herself. Not even the Hatter can figure out this girl.

[Wow]- Wow, is sort of an understatemant for this girl. She is quite strong and has amazing abilities, she is no God, but she has been raised by one. She cannot do everything, but she is pretty damn close. She is no super hero, since she doesn't do anything for the sake of humanity. She just enjoys life to the fullest. She doesn't waste a second with her time and everything she does is what she thinks is productive. She likes to goof off and play around with the people of Wonderland, especially the Queen. She is decieving and coniving. She is definitely not the first person you would go to for advice or honesty/facts. But, she is knowledgable of what goes on around the area in Wonderland. You may not be able to "trust" her, but she is one to go to for some "help." She knows mostly everything that goes on and about in Wonderland, so if you are able to figure out her little word play, then you will find your answer. She is not straight forewardly honest, but to those that know and understand her, you will be able to find out the truth behind her words.

[Don't act a fool]- Don't be dumb. Yes, Yue is not one to be 100% truthful, but definitely listen to her warnings. She knows what she is saying, and if you choose to ignore her words then it is your death. In Wonderland you can barely trust anyone, and Yue is one of those people, but she does "truly care," somewhat, and will tell you the answer to what you are looking for. She is not a murderer, so she will not lead you to your doom, only your stupidity will. If you do not listen to her words carefully then it is your loss. Yue has learned a way to find a way around someone's wording and "throw" it back at them. She is highly dangerous and persuasive. It is hard to get on her bad side, but don't even try to tick her off, since it will not be a happy ending for you. If you value your life, just don't make her angry. She may be all smiles and smirks and laughter, but there is a true "demon" behind that "innocent" facade.


+ running

+ pouncing

+ playing sports

+ goofing off

+ casting spells

+ feigning innocence/fooling others

+ playing with another's sense of sanity

+ collect cute things

+ hang out with the Hatter

+ find new people to "play" around with

+ tricking others


+ tricks

+ animals [all kinds]

+ pranks

+ sarcasm

+ goofing off

+ art

+ magic

+ spells

+ Myungsoo[not in any romantic way..maybe ;P]

+ rain

+ black and purple

+ tomboy clothing


+ her cat form

+ sunlight

+ being found

+ annoying people

+ idiots

+ skinship

+ being fooled [which doesn't happen often]

+ girly clothing

+ make-up

+ being cold

+ cheaters [she is the only one that can "cheat" on anything


+ her cat form only happens at times when really worn out

+ only Myungsoo knows of her cat form

+ has a pet fox name Daichi

+ has many secrets

+ very mysterious and not close to many

+ When Myungsoo cared for Yue he gave her this little chain

+ though very sneak and coniving, she is dense

+ hates LOVE and can't understand it

+ NEVER had her first kiss

+ NEVER dated

+ doesn't serve to anyone--not even the Queen

+ has daily nightmares

+ likes to play around

+ gets a kick out of confusing others

+ not the first person you would trust

+ she has a job of the underworld, the death messanger

she has an older brother name Lee Donghae || she doesn't like to talk about him so if someone brings him up, she just has a dark expression [she changed her last name upon entering Wonderland]

+ though she has a complicated relationship with her older brother, she would not just let some take him || she secretly does care for her brother, but would never show it


-formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

-casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

-sleep: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

love interest(s): Choi Junhong || Kim Myungsoo

tumblr_m7dlagjvbk1qjudfbo1_500.gif myungsoo_gif_by_smoran-d50am76.gif

love interest's personality:

` Junhong: He is a little different than others. He is actually a Magician. Weird, right? He doesn't look it, but when he is not goofing off he is actually quite skilled in what he does. He can perform many tricks and create different illusions. Though he is experienced, he is quite the childish one. He can be serious one secone and then the next second he could be goofing off and running around like a kid. He is very energetic and loves to help others, he is caring and very open about it. He is known widely for his happy-go-lucky personality and love for tricks. He at first clashes with Yue, but soon starts to grow feelings for her and plans to show her how he feels, in his own magical way. Does not know she is Cheshire.


` Myungsoo: Myungsoo is an alchemist. He ability is that he can create and form many things with different signs. He has a laid-back personality and likes to keep to himself. He isn't the exact socalite, but because of his looks, many girls are always falling for him. He could care less about his obsessed fangirls. He has never really liked someone, so that is why he kept to himself. He can be caring and loving to those he cares about. He is very sarcastic and snarky at times, which can hurt others, but once again, he could care less. He was actually one to find Yue when she was in her cat form. He thought she was an abandoned cat so he took her in not noticing that she would actually turn back to her human form when awake. FULLY CLOTHED[for all you dirty minded people]. When he saw her change, she threatened him to keep it a secret or else, he agreed. He is the only one to know of her mysterious form and that she is the Cheshire Cat.

idol/ulzzang/actor/actress face: IU (Soloist)

height: 170 cm

weight: 52 kg


+ catnip

+ someone grabbing her tail

+ ticking her off [she will bite]

+ someone touching her cat ears

+ family

+ other cats

+ animals

+ cute things [secret ultimate weakness]

+ hot, humid days

+ sun rays [makes her feel warm and sleepy]

+ death [hates the sight of it]

+ tears/crying [hates when others do it, can't stand when she does it]

special talents:

+ Night vision

+ Telekinesis

+ invisibility

+ teleportation

+ able to cast spells and conjour up different things

+ stealthy and sneaky

+ getting into other's minds and making them "cray-cray"

+ Persuasion

+ feign innocence

+ agility and speed

+ inhanced senses

+ ahtletic/flexible

+ good in sports

+ secretly a good fighter

+ good at staying in the shadows


"We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."


"I'm not crazy. My reality is just different from your's."


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