'Life is so unfair'

A couple of days ago I was remembered of the beautiful movie/series/book 'One litre of tears', and that brought me to think about lots of things. Humans, are so pathetic sometimes. We complain about the smallest things, the smallest mistakes, but we forget how thankful we actually have to be for what we got.

"So unfair!"
"That is so unfair.."
"But, is not that unfair.."

Life is never fair, and instead of always complaining about how life is not fair, we should remember the fair things life have given us. You are able to read this in most probably a warm house, a happy life, a carefree world with some daily struggles, but enough people do not have this privilege, this luxury.

It is not wrong to forget this important fact, but it is certainly wrong to think that the life you are living right now is a life that is given fair to you. Instead, you should be grateful for the extreme luxury life has given you. Keep in the back of your mind, that life is not unfair to you, but that it cannot possibly give you all the fairness in the world.


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I saw that drama/movie, too! A few summers ago... and I can honestly say it forever changed my outlook on a few things. Saying that it impacted my life/future isn't too much of a stretch, either. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who appreciated it for being more than just a good drama or a sad movie, because the life lessons it taught are universal and timeless. Just randomly dropping by and had to comment ^^;;
So true :)