〈 concertos 〉manager / han sukyung


❝ han sukyung 


  haekyung / 10 becauseihavenolife / dani  

〈 concertos 〉

name: han sukyung
nickname: kyun 
– made on the day she met this kid named park chanyeol because apparently, sukyung was too hard to pronounce. it is frequently used by both family and friends (particularly friends named park chanyeol), and is often used to replace her actual name.
date of birth: 01/03/1992
hometown: seoul, south korea
ethnicity: full korean
languanges: korean [fluent/native], english [semi/learning]

ulzzang: may
appereance: storysix
back-up ulzzang: miri
appereance: ms.manager

style/appearance: her height? average. her style? plain average. han sukyung? from top to bottom, painfully, painfully average. though she's not model material, and no, she's not witch-worthy either, sukyung holds the regular appearance of any average korean girl. hair that has been dyed brown by request, rests right above  those feminine shoulders. cheeks that are indeed, squishible to the touch. eyes that are as doe as they are brown, and lips too pink to be called just pure. okay, so above average, maybe. but, more on the border. what's frugal is not her physical appearance. what's frugal is her fashion. simplicity was how sukyung liked it best, and simplicity was how it had always been kept. a closet consisted of only sweaters and knitwear, turtle-necks that suffocated and scarves to that would dangle right off the shoulders. booties worked, moccasins too. if it's comfortable, she'll wear it. sleepable? she'll wear it. easily washed and easily removable? wear it, wear it, goddamn wear it.


〈 f i r s t movement 〉

four personality traits: kind, oblivious, optimistic, independent
personality: what we have here is a girl named sukyung, otherwise known as ms. frugal. when one mentions sukyung, the name sparks no interest. it doesn't deem to be special. han sukyung is nothing special at all, for reasons being that she's painfully plain. or, that's what people say. 'too kind' they would say, or 'too much of a try-hard'. words that would seem to be ratings are most in fact true. yes, she's too kind. too oblivious to see she drops her dreams too easily. too kind to realize she's doing things for the wrong people. too positive to believe that they'd never do wrong. but, in fact, yes it is. she's a girl who would be easily tricked, to be easily manipulated into doing the wrong things. sukyung becomes the person that others can blame, and the person others frame for idiotic reasons- because she can't defend herself. and she wouldn't, anyhow. to sukyung, everyone deserves a chance to do something better with their lives. she feels she has the ability to give that oppuritunity. so she smiles. she agress. she'll isolate herself for such purposes, because she puts herself last. to this girl, life is the definition of hope. it's there for a reason and it's right to keep living happy; her optimism is strong, and it prevents her from seeing the dangers in life. even if her day had been worn out and rough, sukyung will subside it and say, 'it's alright. i'll live to see tomorrow.'

despite being labeled as a frugal little nobody, sukyung isn't entirely set on an easy life. dorky, would be the word. for this is a girl who laughs at her own jokes, and will snicker at the most peculiar things. in a sense, she quotes yolo because true, you only get to live life once. so, why not live it with love and compassion? to sukyung, life is a special case and she likes to live through it with a hop, step and a jump. though some state yolo as a risky, un-protected way of living, sukyung is known to be careful. she works with what she's given, and takes time with what she has. after all, she's always willing to take a challenge. those who truly know her can see that sukyung is not as plain as she seems. if anything, she's idiotic and is too cheerful to be considered independent. she falls, and she trips and she breaks and she cries, but that doesn't keep her from smiling- no matter what she does. giving up is something she'd never want to consider. so, as a person who likes to stay happy, there is a person who jokes about everything. be it a serious issue, sukyung will do her best to make a joke out of it. or, to play the role of the idiot to make things better. she hates sadness and would cry if ever surrounded by it. what she does is to keep positive. to do that, she'd do anything. but, even if she is this happy-go-lucky kind of person, who's too kind, and too happy, sukyung has those days where life isn't all that well. when there are times when she can't fix anything, and when she can't bring herself to smile, she'll wallow in a pool of nothing. she'll ignore you, and she'll keep quiet. it's a state she doesn't like others seeing. this is her reason for staying positive. it hurts to be sad, and it hurts to see others sad. so, keeping her problems in is what she does. if others can't see the sadness, they won't be sad either. it's to keep to herself, and to help others first before she can commit to doing anything else.

[ likes ]
- being in charge
- to think of herself as an adult
- to humor others (with really bad jokes)
- before and after schooling (because she gets some chanyeol time)

- the thought of being alone
- being treated like a kid
- getting teased about her height (mainly teased by chanyeol because he's taller than she is)
- getting into trouble
- losing chanyeol to someone else

- tardiness / being late for certain events, such as school
- forgetting things
- sleeping late / rushing mornings

- dogs (because she was once pounced by one as a kid)
- heights (only at a roller-coaster level)
- chanyeol hating her
- never being loved

- used to learn to play the violin, but stopped at the age of 12. (can't remember much of it anymore)
- carries around a bag that consists of a notepad, an e-book, two pens and a bus pass. (other times it also includes her cellphone and wallet)
- apple juice gives her headaches
- wants to learn to play an instrument like before, but feels she's too late to start learning again.

- voice cracks whenever she lies


〈 da c a p o 〉

background: compared to the positive, almost happy-go-lucky kind of personality, sukyung's family took no part in that development. opposed to how sukyung is, she grew up in a very strict setting. her parents, both well-employed, had high hopes that their eldest daughter would succeed to be something great in life. not only her, but their only son and sukyung's younger brother. these two were usually pestered about grades and trying hard for what their parents dreamed for. in the han family there was no such thing as failure. because of the negativity, sukyung's brother had always usually been a little quiet. he wouldn't talk or say much, but would stay captivated in his room where practicing viola became a priority. although sukyung had played violin along side her brother on the viola, she dropped it claiming that it wasn't right for her (which later became a regret of hers). instead, sukyung continued with her studies, as well as taking on the role of a sister who could cheer her brother up. despite what her parents said, sukyung gave her all to have her brother happy, and away from whatever their parents would through at them. she'd make jokes and play around. sit and listen to him playing, and would even be attending all his concerts whether their parents were going or not. she even kept recordings. her little brother suddenly became sukyung's goal in life. to make her little brother happy. 

han kwonsuk | younger brother | 18 | university student ; viola player | quiet, calm, kind, shy | now, kwonsuk would probably deny his sister's undying love for him, but sukyung has been known for otherwise. as the older sister, sukyung is usually always trying to dot on her younger brother, who frankly, is a little more reliable than sukyung will ever be. although she tries, and although she always teases sukyung about his girlfriend (who's also in the orchestra) , kwonsuk is just a little more mature than sukyung, especially when it's kwonsuk who always has to be the one to clean up after his sister.

lee hayi [leehi] | friend ; brother's girlfriend | 18 | university student ; flutist | mature, intelligent, short-tempered, quiet | opposed to her boyfriend, hayi is a little different. she and sukyung might not have the best relationship, for they often bicker in which arguments are made where one is too childish and the other's no fun - but, they are, no doubt, friends. they hate to admit it, but they are. knowing each other through kwonsuk has saved that, and although they don't get along ALL the time, they know when to settle down and talk things out.

〈 polyphonic 〉

name: park chanyeol 
his position in orchestra: contrabass
date of birth: 11/27/1990

back-up: luhan

personality: you'd think because of his tall height, his deep voice and scrawny little female friend, you'd think park chanyeol was just another one of the guys. well, if you'd think that, you'd be wrong. park chanyeol isn't any of those guys- in fact, sometimes he's not considered one. he's too much of a softy, they said. too much of a gentleman, they said. but, unlike the cheerful, optimistic sukyung, this kind image is actually excepted. perhaps it's also due to the fact that he's pretty much a charmer. there's never been a time where park chanyeol could ever fail to make you smile, whether it be a joke or just the plain view of his smile, chanyeol's just the kind of man to cheer a person up. though he and sukyung are similar in some ways, there are ways that they are different. one of those things being that chanyeol is obviously more bold than sukyung could ever be. he's not afraid to give a girl a hug, and wouldn't be shy to talk about certain things. in some ways, he's kind of blunt. he likes to keep honest, and sometimes his words just kind of come out wrongly. but, we all know he never means it. this is the kind of guy who would also be willing to do just about anything for a person. in fact, he has this habit to never say no. but, besides all that charming junk, there is also a joker. a guy who just loves to be amused by the reactions of both girls and guys. though, he looks the type, and though some know he isn't, he can act flirtatious, if he ever feels the need to. if you bug him to the extent where you won't leave him alone, don't be surprised if chanyeol starts creeping on you as he spouts of the lines of romeo and juliet.

relationship: to you and I, this relationship of two childhood friends is nothing but.. friends. they're just friends, just besties and totally nothing more. to chanyeol, it's the same. but to sukyung? damn. it's torture! if anything, in this relationship, han sukyung is forever friend-zoned. although she can say chanyeol sees more in her, it's not that easy. especially when chanyeol just sees sukyung as an adorable little sister, who he often likes to dot on. because sukyung is often forgetful, and not entirely reliable as others, chanyeol thinks it's his job to watch over her like a freakin' saint. chanyeol is usually always treating sukyung like a younger sister. always patting her head, and treating her well, as well as teasing her every day of every hour. this also includes chanyeol pestering her about getting a boyfriend. it's either she gets one, or she doesn't. because if there's ever a time someone breaks his sukyung's heart - he'll beat them to a pulp any day. and being tall takes that to his advantage. but, then we have sukyung. although, everyday, she tries to get his attention - to get chanyeol to tell her she's cuter today, to tell her she's prettier today - it just never works. sukyung can always tell when chanyeol changes his hair - when it gets long, or short - curly or straight - sukyung always knows and she can always tell. but, does chanyeol ever do that? nope. not at all. because sukyung's stuck as this cute, little girl forever and ever. usually, all you ever see in thsi relationship is a pouty sukyung, and her "older bro". it's something sukyung's trying to get over, but hasn't quite worked out yet. especially when she tries to get grown up, but just gets herself in trouble, in which, chanyeol has to take care of. but, there's no doubting chanyeol's recognition towards his childhood best friend. of course, he treats her differently from others - sukyung just can't see it. and of course, sukyung treats chanyeol like the heartthrob she feels he is, chanyeol just can't see that either. what we have is a complication. where a boy is too dense to see the love in his friend's eyes, and a girl who's just too determined to win this guy's heart. even so, these two know everything about each other. as in, everything. afterall, they've been together since they were babies (even bathed togehter), and perhaps that's why it's so hard for them to get into this thing called, "love"?


〈 f i n a l movement 〉

what is your position in the orchestra?: Oh, well- actually it's more of a job rather than a position! I'm the manager of the orchestra, so I basically arrange all that stuff going around.. er, like I'm the behind-the-scenes crew that makes all the magic! (claps her hands together and opens them as if bestowing a magic trick). But, yeah, it's still a position sooooo- just call me Manager! (laughs)

why did you want to join?: Ah, well.. (looks around) I actually joined for a friend of mine.. uh, I'm not gonna name names, but I kinda joined for him. In a way. (bites lip and then chuckles) But, I also joined because of the music. I've always been pretty interested in classical music! Chanyeol's real good at that thing- he plays- the counterbass- wait- no, sorry. The, the uh- (puts finger to her lip) Oh! I meant the contrabass! (slaps forhead) Yeah, he's really good at that. And I've seen a few of his concerts and the music really astonishes me. It's like they move all together, as a symphony of course. It's really heart-warming and I love being a part of it all. Makes me feel kinda important. (pauses for a moment) OH!- and it's also to support my little brother! Sheesh- I totally forgot! He plays viola! (nods in agreement to herself)

your performance is tomorrow! what will you do?: REALLY?! IT'S TOMORROW?! I DIDN'T EVEN-- oh. Ooh. Ooooh. Okay, I see- so, hypothetically you mean? Ah, okay, you scared me there. (puts a hand to her chest and relieves a sigh) Well, it's most likely I'd be staying up later than usual. You know with the preperations and all? I have to make sure I have everything set and ready! Otherwise Chanyeol's gonna scold me.. and.. (shudders) I can't go through with that. Plus.. (whispers) the conductor kinda scares me, and I don't wanna get caught in between any of those two. (pulls back with a smile) Plus, it helps to know if I got everything done the night before so I can check up on it in the morning too! I'd also feel real anxious and excited because I always get to sneak into their practices, and it's just amazing when they're in concert. But, I get real nervous too.. like if there would ever be something screwed up with the schedule, or if we didn't make it to the location on time. It'd be all my fault! I can't deeeeal with that kind of pressure! (shuts eyes and holds her face) Yep! So, staying up later to get stuff ready and waking up early to double or triple check is how I usually do it!.. Also, I'm just curious, but- uhm- are these relevant questions?


〈 e n c o r e 〉


questions/comments?: oh, god that took me forever. asdfghj-- hopefully I made their personalities clear enough! I don't know why, but I found myself having difficulties writing this. /sobs. I really, really, really, REALLY love this story concept- and I'm so scared because I've checked and there's already two other applicants for the manager. I'm sitting here crying because ohmygod, I bet this is all bull. asdfgh-- I can't even- BUT, I TRIED. I TRIED OKIIIE? ;; asdfg-- I thank you for the y story and I hope everything goes well! Thankyou for reading my app too! Work haard! 

scene suggestions?: 

as of now, I can only think of one and that would be when Sukyung finally confesses. except, as a twist, whether Chanyeol's fallen for Sukyung or not, I want him to reject her. Why? Because if that were to happen, I'd find it personally boring if their love just hit off like that. If Chanyeol rejects her, I feel that there should be a reason behind it (you could build off from that for something? idk. ;orz) It could mainly be because Chanyeol's unsure of himself, or he feels he's not ready to be in a relationship if there was going to be one. When he rejects her, Sukyung would probably be abscent for a while and blahblahakjshdl-- ;orz I DON'T KNOW IF IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ANGSTY BUT-- THAT'S WHAT I GOT. In the end, of course they should be together. If not, at least, know they love one another? Eventually? ;u;

- a scene that's not so angst, is when the orchestra is done playing, and afterwards, everyone is handed juice boxes- and all they have is apple juice. because chanyeol knows sukyung gets headaches, he goes out of his way to go run down the hall and get her grape juice instead? ;orz

password: what is love?

〈 orchestra hall 〉

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