Application form for We Got Married || Super Junior



AFF Account Name: cherryxpop

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Name: Yun Hee Daviess-Hwang

Nickname: Yunne, Hunny

Age/Birthdate: 20 | March 14, 1991

BirthPlace: London, United Kingdom

Etnicity: Half Korean, Half British




Yun Hee usually likes to wear a vest top with a hoodie or jacket with either a distressed jeans or a pair of sweat pants. She doesn’t really like wearing dresses, short; shorts or miniskirts because she finds it too girly and the only time she will wear one is when she is forced to wear one.







Just an ear piercing in both of her ears and a lower back tattoo of some blue butterflies.


Height: 5”3

Weight: 105 lbs


Due to the harsh life Yun Hee had experienced, she was very independent; she doesn’t like people helping her.

She is also the type of girl who is very, very stubborn; she’s also quite tomboy, she’s not that into makeup and girly stuffs, she hates wearing dresses, miniskirts and high heels; she would rather just wear a pair of trainers or converse along with a distress jeans.

She doesn’t have that much interest with diamonds like other girls who will probably scream just to have one; for her, diamonds is not her best friend; but music was.

Yun Hee doesn’t like being mess around or being commanded by another person instead she only likes doing things as she likes it. She also does not take ‘no’ for an answer, she would do everything; just to have everything her way.

Despite the fact that Yun Hee hates shopping; she prefers skateboarding or staying in her room listening to music instead, she also love dancing specially freestyle.




·         Eating

·         Sleeping

·         Listening to music

·         Coffee

·         Children



·         Annoying people

·         Girly-girl clothes

·         Shopping



-She usually avoids eye contacts when lying

-Hugs a teddy bear when sleeping (She denies that fact, but its true)

-Pretends not to hear someone when she did

-Pretending she’s listening to her IPOD when she isn’t

-She sings in the shower

-Tapping her fingers when bored



-She’s scared of dogs

-Her favorite color is sky blue

-She has night blindness

-She’s quite competitive

-She eats a lot, but she never gets fat

-She dislikes her cute face due to looking innocent and cute

-She doesn’t like being called ‘cute’



When she became a guest in one of the variety shows, one of the MC called her ‘cute’ and in the outcome Yun Hee didn’t take it anymore and shouted to the MC about ‘not calling her cute;.



 Hwang Dae-Hyun | Professional Photographer | Father

Caitlin Davies-Hwang | Executive Assistant | Mother

Hwang-Choi Chun Hei | Nurse | Step mother

Hwang-Choi Sulli | Famous actress from band F(x) | Step sister


Rivals: Jessica


-Goo Hara and Nicole (KARA)

-Hyuna (4 minute)

-Kahi (After School)

-Minzy (2NE1)

-Minho (SHINee)


Anything I forgot?: History?

Yun Hee’s parents both met in England; then moved to London after getting married; her mother was a British whilst her dad was a Korean. Her mother then set a divorce file planning on ending both Yun Hee’s mother and father’s marriage; before Yun Hee had an accident at the age of 5; where she lost her memories.

She was left with her mother whilst her dad moved back to Korea, her mother became uncaring towards her when she began teenager life; her mother began coming home really late, dating guys and going to the club not even caring what happens to her.

After she learned that his father didn’t actually abandoned her; like what her mother told her, she set off to Seoul, South Korea using the allowance she saved, to find her dad with only a piece of picture that she found and a telephone number belonging to him.

After arriving to Seoul, she tried calling her father’s telephone number and with luck it was her dad who answered.

She then lived with her dad who got remarried. Her step mother was really nice to her and treats her like a real daughter, and she also has a step sister who was called Sulli from a popular band called F(x)



What is your couple name: Love, Hate Couple


Can you guys help me with sweet adorable proposal ideas?:

Here is a very romantic wedding proposal- set up a day at a private beach together building sand castles and digging for shells. On the night before you go together, write a love poem on parchment paper and put it in an antique bottle and bury it in the well marked spot where you will be digging. The next day when you find the bottle, open it, read the poem and present her with the ring.


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