"Is there something on my face?"

Just saying, this post is just a rant....YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. READ AT YOUR RISK.

I don't know about you guys, but I CAN'T STAND it when I see this scene:

A girl walks down wearing a formal outfit or something of the sort and looks incredibly beautiful, and the guy stares at her like she's grown another head. The girl is confused and says something like:

"Is there something on my face?"


"Do I look that bad?"


"Is there something wrong with my dress?"

or even...

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

or something along the lines of those.



I don't understand!!!! I see it EVERYWHERE: TV shows, movies, fanfiction, books, even real life I saw this happen and I nearly exploded (I'll tell about it in the end). To me, there are so many things wrong with this! It's an extremely tiny scene, usually, and I don't know why I'm all angry about this but it just bothers me.

For one, I know that she looks stunning and all, but seriously guys, she put on a dress and subtle makeup. Does she really look that different? I don't know, maybe it's because I'm a girl and I've never experienced something like this, but it's just a bit strange to me... I think a person is capable of whether or not they can make a face like this --> *o* to someone.

Secondly, if the guy apparently isn't capable of doing so... GUUURRRRRLL Y U SO DENSE?!?!?!?! I mean, you got yourself all prettied up and go downstairs to see a guy looking at you like that. OF COURSE ITS BECAUSE YOU'RE FREAKING GOR-GEOUS. You've seen this guy act around you for probably some time now. Has he EVER acted like that and stared at you like that? (If he has, there's probably a good reason to it). Just in general, the girls in stories are very dense and clueless at times and it makes me MAD. Yea, I used to do that in my stories, but now it's just annoying. And honesly, you JUST looked at yourself in the mirror to pretty yourslef up (unless you didn't but oh well) and you probably weren't doing anything messy of the sort. Why would there be anything on your face? Why would there be something wrong with your dress?

Thirdly, I think most people would agree with me: if there were something to be on someone's face, would you stare at them like *o*? I don't think so. The most common reaction is to either tell the person calmly or let it be until they realize it. Not freaking look at them like they switched bodies with someone else's. Goodness.

And the last reason as to why I hate this is because the guy is also quite dense. Tell the girl she's pretty. It will literally make her night. I see some stories, the guy actually tells her, but that's usually when they're already dating or they have a built up relationship that they can tell each other that and not be awkward of the sort. Because in the end, after the girl asks about her insecurities, the guy says something like: "Oh, no... you look... fine," or something and it BOTHERS ME. You made her feel insecure. You had the chance to make up for it and YOU DIDN'T. You could have avoided that whole situation!

lol i know i went overboard with this rant.... for one of the littlest of topics xD at first I was supposed to just state the 4 problems, but then I kind of had to go into more detail with every one of them. I don't know... do you guys see this a lot? And do you get mad if you ever see it? Haha I'm curious (OH IM CURIOUS YEAAAAHHHH) to see if people actually agree with me or not. Maybe I changed your point of view XD lol ok.... I'm usually a pretty chill person (if I must say so myself XD) but... idk ranting is new to me.

Anyways, this is how i experienced this in real life (read if you want or not...):

Basically, my friends and I were getting ready to go to a dance. One of my friends is older than me so she has a boyfriend. It was a casual dance so I was wearing shorts and a tshirt but my friends are a LOT girlier than me so they decided to dress up all nicely in dresses and such. But they didn't even put on makeup or anything. Yes, they were all very pretty, but not different at all.

We arrived at our school and went into the room where the dance was held, and my friend walked up to her boyfriend. He stared at her. HE FREAKING STARED AT HER and I was like WTH I'VE SEEN THIS SOMEWHERE BEFORE.... NO, I'VE SEEN THIS EVERYWHERE BEFORE!

And she was like... "There's nothing on my face, right?"

And I was standing there the whole time and I was just like O.O what. what. what. I thought that only happened in fictional stories and films...





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wow sis *_*