Me + Kai + Kris + Luhan + OUR BABIES.

So I saw ImAnEXOticBana's blog post and realised that I actually did this too a while ago and so well... imma post them here because they're funny and at times...scary O.o

So here, I present to you my teenager child with Kris:

LOL and now my teenage child with Luhan:

Haha, now my teenage child with Kai:

Oh, and I had Kai's baby too...

And I left this one till last because well... its a bit embarrasing. But Luhan and I had another baby... but this one didn't turn out so good LMFAO. xD enjoy!

You guys should do it! The site is :D


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Ilovekpopforever #1
i cant c it~ :/
I like the teenage child with Kris... And the two babies are freaking!!! cute...
shawolBABYkissme #3
This is so freaky...but entertaining..

These look like paintings....from a history textbook..

O_O okay...should I try this? ...nah...i think I'll be horrified by my results.. :'(
Omg I'm cracking up xD I did it with Minho and me, and a girl baby was okay, but the boy > . > hella cute XD
ThatVerySong #5
lol that is hilarious. oh ellie. the kai-baby is the best.