Stalker update 2...advice needed guise

haha i love aff i can always rant my feelings here



So its been a while and eventually the stalking stopped and he told me he was finally over me and i was SOOOOOOOO happy

but a while ago his friend told me it wasn't true...


and apparently now he goes and see's a councellor 
(thank god this is a private/anonymous site) 
and now im sad cuz apparently he's in a depression cuz i rejected him.
He keeps talkin bout committing suicide nd apparently he's tried it to.

He suddenly started BEGGING full PLEADING AND BEGGING  me to go out with him


He said he'd never ask for nything else. He said he didn't care if i used him and treated him like a dog as long as he culd stay by my side. ok thats cute and all but ITS SCARY. DAMMIT I DONT LIKE IT. 


I dunno whut to do and im sure as hell not gonna accept him. call me a but i don't like guys like him FULLSTOP.



As a plus though. he said his friend's said i was cute /giggles.



I'm kinda starting to like his friend sadfghjkl; i cant help it. dammit.

but now that this loser announced that he likes me...his friends know im off limits...which is depressing

hopefully i dont start likin this guy too much cuz it will never be :'(


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i just love the illustrations but i feel bad cus it seems likke im laughin at your problem. anywho i hope you sorted it out
Go on a mini date then nicely break up. Key word: NICELY. Just to make him happy, ya know?
Dude, he's creepy and hella overreacting. Just because you rejected him, he wanted to commit suicide? Okay. Lmao. Same thing happened to me and I told my ex (he said he wanted to die because we broke up) to go committing suicide ASAP. But he eventually uh, well, didn't. OTL.
I think he'd do anything to make you uh, accept him. But uh, well, just tell him to stop overreacting and sht. I don't think he would be really committing suicide. Guys like him so ^
vivieeen__ #4
Oh wow.... thats kind of... intense. I think you should just sit him down and have a good ol' heart to heart, or with his friend. Find out exactly why hes so girly and emotional. Actually idk. Don't do that. I'm scared that might trigger something dodge.
Anyway I do wish you good luck^