So, I put a story on sale for 1€...

Yes, I did! Just trying the website and the whole concept of selling PDF's out.

It's called "instability" and can be bought here: 


photo instability_zps45b5d70b.png


It's an original story, not a fanfic, though it is spent in South Korea - and Myungsoo is mentioned hahaha :)


More than a synopsis, I'll leave you guys an excerpt from the first chapter:


"And she knew that if she told them Haneul was diagnosed with autism (something she strangely developed within her) that could also be interpreted as a major depression, they would just squint their eyes and be silent for a few seconds before laughing and making up their jokes about how Harry was the cause — the thing they didn't know was that they were totally right with such assumption."


If you get to buy it, which I'd be thankful, hope you like it! :)




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