Tao having a hard time

I stumbled on this video today (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pdx_GurR5y0&feature=youtu.be ) and although I have no idea what they are talking about I still watched it all. Since Tao is my bias, the first thing I did was look for him and that's when I realized something. He doesn't look very comfortable, in fact, he seems so tired. His smile at the first few second into the interview looks so forced that I almost choked and all I wished right then is to fly there and hug him. The worst thing is he doesn't even try to smile any more through the whole MV! Even when they were voting about sth and he looked totally unamused and seemed like he didn't care either. And then, i noticed our little cute maknae Sehun was trying to cheer Tao up. I could see it in the way he bends his head down a little to look at Tao (this happened in a second when Sehun chose Tao but sadly Tao didn't even notice or so much as flinch). And then the last few second when they all waved at the camera, Tao looked too tired to raise his hands but he still did it anyways (one hand though). At that moment I couldn't watch anymore even though there were only a few seconds left!

I couldn't bear looking at my precious Tao so tired and distraught like that any longer. I know that maybe he's only tired because he had been performing too much but in the back of my mind, there's this feeling telling me that it's not the (only) reason. He seems to be tired of the language barrier between himsel and his other Korean fellow bandmates. I know that they all look so close to each other but it can't hide the fact that he's having a hard time then! I just wish I could do sth (anything) to help him but who I am anyways so all I could do is write this to let other Exotics (or Exost - our official fandom name ^^) understand for him, support him more :)

That's all guys ^^



Amy :"3 


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