creepy crawly

So I was sleeping and woke to my frantic mother. She was saying about a scorpion was on her chest. I didn't see so I thought she imagined it {whenever I have a realistic dream of spiders the same thing happens to me. It's been so bad that at one point i ran out of bed screaming and trashing at my body} so I just went back to sleep. Well when I woke up it was on the back of my leg! Now first instinct is swat the away or kill it and I would've smacked it dead. But something inside of me was like "oh hell nah you gonna get stung." So I woke up my poor mom who hasn't slept [she was just about to when she found it on her chest] and she got it off before beating it with a shoe. So the moral of this blog post is "first instincts aren't always a good way to go, but you'll always have a good second to follow a awful first!"


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Lol. Always have a second...
I wouldn't want to wake up to a scorpion on my chest. Lizards scare me to death already. OTL