History Revision Help 1

Most Europeans at the time when the American West was first being developed (from about 1840) regarded the Great Plains of North America as uninhabitable desert.

However the Native Americans - or, as they are sometimes called, the First Nations - lived there successfully long before the arrival of the Europeans.

What are the Great Plains like, and what was the way of life that helped the Native Americans to survive?


The Great Plains are the grasslands of the North American continent, and lie between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains.

Early European explorers found the Plains a very hostile environment, and the area was marked on early maps as the 'great American desert'.

One American explorer, Major Stephen Long, declared:"I do not hesitate in giving the opinion that it is almost wholly unfit for cultivation, and of course uninhabitable."

Characteristics of the Great Plains

enormous size

  • lack of trees
  • semi-arid - little water available
  • unpredictable weather, including extremely cold and violent winters
  • ferocious winds - the winter 'Northers' and the scorching summer winds
  • many areas flat and featureless
  • inhabited by locusts and grasshoppers
  • inhabited by wolves

    Revision tip and answer preparation

    Revision tip


    Read the list of the characteristics of the Great Plains on the previous page, and note down why each one made the area uninhabitable for 19th-century Europeans.

    toggle answer



    Features Problem
    Enormous size Getting there in the first place. Isolation when there.
    Lack of trees Nothing to build houses etc with. Nothing for fuel.
    Semi-arid - little water available Need for drinking water. Need for water for animals.
    Unpredictable weather, including extremely cold and violent winters Very difficult to grow crops. Animals died in winter.
    Ferocious winds The winter 'Northers' brought hail and blizzards. Tornados destroyed houses.
    Many areas flat and featureless Easy to get lost. Nowhere to get protection from winds.
    Inhabited by locusts and grasshoppers These ate any crops.
    Inhabited by wolves Dangerous to people and livestock.

    Answer preparation

    As part of your revision, think about the arguments and facts you would use to explain:

    1. What the problems were of living on the Great Plains.
    2. Why the early settlers regarded the Great Plains as a 'desert'.




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