Difference between Foreword and Description???

Okay, I'm REALLY confused now. 

What's the difference between the Foreword and Description?

The description is where you post the prologue right? Or is it at the Foreword?

Then where do you post your Author note? Description or Foreword?

And, which is the one that's posted on the listing pages of AFF? Description or Foreword? 

Gah, everyone says and do different stuff, I'm so confused!! T_T

Help please? ((: 


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Description is where you describe the story along with introducing the characters. It's up to you how much you want to reveal about the story through the description. The Foreword is where you put your author's note, whoever you want to thank, why you're writing this story etc. It is also where you put your prologue.
So there you go :D
The one that shows on the AFF list pages is the Description,
The description is where you describe the setting and characters only. The foward is where you write a little sneak peek of the story and the authors note.
Hope that helps :D
I don't know...... I just put whatever
Comatose-Bunny #4
Description is your bait. Foreword is whatever you'd like your little fishies to know before you skin them.
everlastingkissme #5
i don't even know what to write on the description and foreword when i create my fic. it's just.... confusing!
so i just write whatever i thought it's correct~ hehehehe
the description is a short summary of your story
you can put the author note into the forword and if you want also the prologue, depends on you^^