99 Truths (stolen from baekyeols)

1. Real Name: Kyra

2. Nicknames: Kitty (dont ask...), Kiki

3. Zodiac Sign: Taurus

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Elementary School: HPMES <---- just in case u stalkers are here.....

6. High school: Check in a year.... not there yet

7. College: idk

8. Hair color: Black

9. Tall or short: 5' 1".... is that short? compared to my friends it is

10. IM or email:both

11. Sweats or Jeans: Sweats, but I usually wear jeans just to make an effort of looking nice lol

13. Health Freak: My family is but Im not :D

14. Orange or Apple: Orange

15. Do you have a secret crush on someone?: Yes. Let's leave it at that.

16. Eat or Drink: Eat

17. Piercings: Earlobes

18. Pepsi or coke: Coke

19. Been in an Airplane: TONS of times

20. Been in a relationship: NOPE

21. Been in a car accident: Sort of... the bus I was on hit a car but it was very minor. Does that count?

22. Been in a fist fight: You don't know how much I want to punch a few ppl at my school...

23. First piercing:Ears

24. Current best friend(s): Nicole, Maryann, Eve, Thrishna, Mak, Hariel (yes, a guy), James

25. First award: Perfect Attendence in the 3rd grade

26.First crush?: idk.... 3rd grade? lol i forget...

27. First word: MAMA (EVEN BACK THEN I LOVED EXO <333)

28. Last person you talked to in person: My sis (aka DazzlingTaemint)

29. Last person you texted: James (still txting him now lol)

30. Last person you watched a movie with: My dad and my sis

31. Last movie you watched: King Kong (best freaking movie everrrrr)

32. Last song you listened to: The Baddest Female - CL

33. Last thing you bought: Leadership T-Shirt (mandatory)

34. Last person you hugged: Hariel

35. Favourite Food: Pho (VIETNAMESE POWER OH YEAH)

36. Favourite Drink: Mango bubble tea

37. Bottoms: Denim short-shorts

38. Flower: Red roses

39. Animal: Pandas (normal and red), bunnies, turtles

40. Colour: Green

41. Favourite Movie: King Kong all the way~

42. Favourite subject: Math xD

HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)

43. ( ) Got Baptized.

44. ( x ) Celebrated Halloween.

45. ( x ) Had your heart broken. (does reading fanfics count?? lol)

46. (   ) Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone. 

47. ( x ) Had someone question your ual orientation. (just because I was defending my bi-ual friend...)

48. (    ) Got pregnant.

49. (    ) Had an abortion. 

50. ( x ) Did something you regret.

51. ( x ) Broke a promise.

52. ( x ) Hid a secret.

53. ( x ) Pretended to be happy. 

54. ( x ) Met someone who changed your life. 

55. ( x ) Pretended to be sick.

56. ( x ) Left the country.

57. ( x )Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.

58. ( x ) Cried over the silliest thing.

59. ( x ) Ran a mile. (every freaking week omfg my school ...)

60. ( x ) Went to the beach with your best friends. 

61. ( x ) Got into an argument with your friends.

62. ( x ) Hated someone.

63. ( x ) Stayed single for a whole year. (tch, guurrrl i've stayed single for all my life. Y FREE AND SINGLE)



64. Eating: Air

65. Drinking: Saliva (lol i'm so weird...)

66. Listening to: EXO's WOLF (AWUUUUUUU- again goes my weirdness)

67. Sitting/Laying: My sis's bed lol her's is comfier....

68. Plans for today: Laptop, music, texting, sleep.

69. Waiting for: My friend to text me back... it's been like 10 minutes and he hasnt replied lol



70. Want kids: I'm kind of bad with them so it wouldn't exactly help either of us

71. Want to get married: Yup

72. Career: ?


WHICH ONE in a significant other:

73. Lips or Eyes: Eyes

74. Shorter or taller: Taller

75. Romantic or spontaneous: Both

76. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship

77. Looks or personality: Personality (but it would be nice to have both)



78. Lost glasses/contacts: I gots 20/30 vision

79. Snuck out of the house: Yup. To get the newspaper OMG BADASS

80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: No

81. Killed somebody: o.O no and i hope never

82. Broken someone's heart: I think so...

83. Cried when someone died: Yeah



84. Yourself: Depends on the situation

85. Miracles: Nope. None has ever happened for me

86. Love at first sight: No

87. Heaven: No

88. Santa Claus: If you think about it, he's quite scary. He sees you when ur sleeping, how you've been throughout the years, and sneaks into your house o.O

89. on the first date?: NOOO

90. Kiss on the first date: Maybe on the cheek, yeah

91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: James because he AT TEXTING OMG

92. Do you know who your real friends are: Not really.... at the moment I only have like 4. everyone else i'm iffy on

93. Do you believe in God: No

94. Post as 99 truths?: Yesh.


Do you:

95- quote a famous person: "No matter how hard something is, I'll never stop smiling like an idiot." -Chanyeol

96- say something funny: Hi. O u O

97- laugh at yourself: All the time

98- last message: "U .... no offense or anything" <---- LOL

99- a picture of you: Find it here: CLICK!

I've done these so many times idk why I'm doing another one... I'm bored!!!! TALK TO ME PPL


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