Exo Planet II: El Dorado

Hey guys! It's been a long time since I've been active on here. I've popped in a couple times throughout the year, but only to check in on a coupel things. But I have news regarding my up-coming sequel Exo Planet II: El Dorado!


I was planning on beginning updating soon, possiblyyyy starting on Monday since that's my last day of school when summer "beings" (even though I have to go back to take 4 big state regents tests >p< ) BUT there's a problem.


I lent my laptop to my sister for her big final college credit English class project and told her to be careful with it but... at the very end of her last class it slipped and the screen completely cracked. Sooooo now I have to send it in to get fixed. Thankfully it was only the screen so the story and everything is safe. My poor sister was in tears she was so sorry. Silly girl, it's only the screen! Accidents happen:P But I did want to let you guys know that now the "opening date" for the story has to be pushed back a couple weeks. Sorry for the delay, I know you've been waiting patiently for almost a year now! Thank you for your patience and understanding! 


And remember, always get a warranty (extended if possible) on valauble objects! Haha:p 


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