Father's day...Bleh.

I hate Father's Day. Like, I realize I'm just bitter because my father is a piece of , but still the entire month before it is so irritating because I'm constantly getting spam mail like "Thank Dad for all he's done with a Ross giftcard" or "Let Dad know you care by getting him a new grill from Wal-Mart" and I'm just sitting here like "-grumbles- Oh yes, I'll show him I care by washing it with roach spray before I mail it to him. >.>" 

I'm not even going to get into the thousands of reasons why I hate my father and wish he would just fall off of the face of the Earth, because I'd be here for an hour and no one wants to listen to my sob story, but seriously, Father's Day irritates me. 

....This was a prettyy pointless post, but meh, I felt the need to . 

just ignore me.



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I feel ya. I've seen my dad maybe 15 times in my entire life. He lives in another state, and one time I was there for a church overnight thing and had a seizure and he was too drunk to meet me at the hospital! He doesnt even know when my birthday is and doesnt know which child I am half the time. And apparently, I have two older brothers that I've never met!

Dads...they're only donors.