She's Leaving!!

I'm gonna cry again! My friend Jessica got accepted in Dreyfoos, an Arts high school, for theater and, of course, I didn't pass so she's leaving me and I won't see her anymore TTOTT I wasn't going to cry infront of her but I did cry for a while after our graduation two days ago. She didn't come yesterday which was our last day of school before summer vacation so I didnt get to tell her a final good bye. I'm gonna really miss her. We've been friends sense 6th grade and I really hoped that we were gonna be in high school together but of course I had to at my audition so that's a big no to the face. I blame myself for ever telling her about the school auditions because I knew she was awesome and I was being cocky with myself. I'm sorry Jessica. This is all my fault!  I love you buddy!!! I'll miss you!! 




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I'm going to separate from my bestie too next year. bleh. I don't really wanna make new friends.
hey, high school will be better if you made new friends. friends dont stay forever.