ℕєxт ¦ Danielle Lo

Danielle Lo✻The Archangel



What's Your Name?
Username: Jessy_The_Panda
Nickname: Jessy, or Panda. (I can tell I love you already xD)
Activeness: 9

Tell Me, Tell Me
Name: Danielle Lo

  • Danny (A shorter version of her name that she likes to go by. Many people call her this)
  • Danlo (A combination of her first and last name. It's a nickname the guys back home call her. Only close friends predebut or those she went to school with.)
  • Sherlock/Sherlo (Fans call her this because of stories they have heard from the other members about Danny's personality and what not. She strongly resembles the fictional character) 

Age: 21
Birthday: (December 03, 2014/1992
Ethnicity: Chinese
Language(s): English, Cantonese, Mandarin, English (Fluent, There is a reason behind this, and I'll explain in the comments.)
Birthplace:  Victoria, Hong Kong, China
Hometown:  Victoria, Hong Kong, China
Blood Type: A
ual Orientation: Straight, but supportive~

In Front of the Mirror
Visual name: Jung Hye Ri/Nana
Gallery:  one | two

Back-up visual name: Eun (Shorter Hair would be prefered. But whatever works for you authornim~)
Gallery: one | two
Height: 165cm
Weight: 52kgs
 *Anything else: She has three lobe peircings on her ear, with the first ones being smaller gauges and the other two being just peircings. She also has an industrial peircing on her left ear. 
Fashion: Danny likes to be able to be comfortable and move. She has a slight boyish and edgier style. She prefers combat boots and converse over heels. T-shirts and button downs over blouses. Jeans and shorts over skirts and dresses. She absolutely hates wearing skirts and dresses because she is afraid of them flying up. She feels much more comfortable with a hat than fancy hair-dos. Danny loves darker colors such as red and purple, though she loves splashes of bright colors like orange and green. She is definitely not the best when it comes to fashion, she doesn't keep track of the trends. She will honestly just wear whatever is thrown at her most of the time.
Beautiful Stranger (Girl)
Personality: Danny has three different sides to her. While they maintain similar traits, they respond to situations differently. Generally though, Danny is fairly introverted, though definitelly not quiet. Danny has no problem expressing herself or her opinions. She is fairly blunt and tells you what you need to hear, not what you want. Danny is fairly snarky and has a very cynical out look. Danny is very hardworking and doesn't stop for anything to achieve perfection. Sleep, food, sickness, injuries, they can wait. Danny hates to leave things unfinished, but she also gets bored easily. Danny is extremely intellegent and observant. Being extremely analytical as well, she can read people well. Danny prefers to stay netural in most sitautions and she can come off cold because of this. She has a very abrupt personality. This is this, that is that. Everything seems black and white to Danny. Until emotions get involved. Danny has never been one who openly expresses her emotions. It isn't because she doesn't want to, that is part of it, it is mainly because she doesn't know how to. That is generally what you see with any side of Danny.
Danny The Idol: Danny as an Idol, she is not one who does much fanservice. Danny loaths skinship, she absolutely hates it unless it is with a select few people. Danny has charisma, to fans and other idols she may come off as intimidating because of her quieter nature. Even though Danny is fluent in Korean, she likes to pull the forienger card. She'll purposely talk with an accent or screw up tenses, and then when something comes up that she wants to talk about, BAM! She is fluent. Everything she does she has already calculated three steps ahead. That is mainly because Danny is terrified of faliure. She doesn't want to disappoint, so she is always thinking ahead.
Danny The Friend: Danny is a feircely loyal person, but it is hard to get her to trust you. Most of Danny's friends have grown use to her colder nature, and her insults. They know she means it lovingly. She just has a harder time expressing it. Danny is a great listener, she would drop anything to help you if you needed it. but don't expect her to ask for help. Danny is extremely prideful and hates to ask for help. If you were even thinking of remotely hurting her friends, whether that be physical or verbally, expect to face a very angry Danny. You will have to get past her to even think about it. Danny is somebody who tries her best to protect her friends from the bad. 
Angry Danny: You don't see this side of Danny often, but there are two different types of anger Danny has. One more common than the other.
Basic Anger: A common emotion. Whenever Danny is stressed, frustraited, or under a lot of pressure she'll get really snappy and harsher with her comments. This is basic anger. She doesn't talk as much and becomes much more picky. You don't want to be at dance practice when Danny is angry. One, she sees the little things, those mistakes that you don't even notice yourself. She will point it out and make you do it over and over again until it is perfect. She doesn't eat as much and is just all around unpleasent to be around. Generally just leave her alone and make sure she has some headphones to drown out the world and it'll blow over.
Archangel: Most people veiw angels as good, archangels especially due to their higher positions. No matter what people think angels do have a darker vengeful side. This side of Danny is probably the rarest to see. It doesn't often rear its ugly head unless something bad has happened. Danny tends to hold grudges and is really bad at the whole 'forgive and forget' concept. This is the side you'll see if you hurt anybody close to her. Most people would assume that Danny is terrifying when she is pissed, but Danny doesn't fight physically. She wouldn't waste her energy on scum like that. Instead she'd use her words. Danny will do anything in her power to break. you. down. Danny will use all her skills to tear you apart. She'll point out your flaws, those things you keep hidden because you are ashamed of it, she will bring it up. And she will make you wish you could turn back time. On the downfall side of this, Danny rarely says sorry, and if she does, you better accept it because she is only saying it once. 
All in All, Danny is a very black and white person and does not handle grey very well. She is proud and will only offer it once. You only have one chance with Danny. Danny is on a very needs to know basis with everyone. She doesn't share information easily.

  • Puzzles
  • Music
  • Sour Candy
  • Psychology
  • Action/Adventure Movies
  • Crime/Mystery Movies
  • Dogs
  • Anime (Pokemon, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Dragon Ball Z, Deathnote, ect.)
  • R&B/Hip Hop music
  • Reading/Studying
  • Energy Drinks
  • Ramyun
  • Kimchi
  • Bubble Tea
  • Cats (She is allergic. Plus she just dislikes the demonic creatures. >.<)
  • Sweets
  • Nosy People
  • People who ask too many questions. Danny does things for a reason, you'd know the reason if you need to.
  • Romance Movies
  • Incompatance
  • Boredom
  • Liars
  • Writing on herself (Mainly in chinese)
  • Chewing on pens
  • druming on random surfaces
  • Sleep talking in English and Cantonese
  • Sleeping with the lights on
  • Soccor
  • Reading/Studying
  • Watching movies/shows
  • listening to music
  • Playing games on her computer
  • She would be the Dad of the group. She is able to get the group under control with a simple look, sometimes a word if they are being especially difficult. Rarely do things get past her.
  • She is a morning person. One of the first awake. she'll generally wake the others.  Generally by pushing them off of their beds. She doesn't have the patients to be nice about it. If she is being woken up, she is one of the easiest ones. You just have to call her name or open her door and she'll shoot up awake. (Due to stuff that happened when she was younger)
  • Left handed, but she can use her right hand decently. Not often though.
  • One of her first experiences in Korea was being yelled at by an ahjumma because she didn't bow properly. She actually got hit by the ahjumma because after being lectured she was still being disrespectful. (Danny had no idea what was going on. She didn't speak Korean at the time. (2035))
  • She has a huge respect for Mandopop artists SHE, Farienheit, MIC, Jay Chou, Han Geng, and Jiro Wang.
  • She is a fan of Super Junior, Wonder Girls, Shinhwa, and SHINee as well. When it comes to classic artists.
  • Danny wears contacts.
*Pet(s): While training (2035) Danny was lonely because her family was all in Hong Kong, so she bought a Chinese Water Dragon as a pet. His name was Zuko. She bought herself a puppy (pug) because she was lonely (2013) His name is Goku
Beep Beep
Family Background/History:  Danielle Lo was born and raised in Hong Kong, China to a very well off family. Her mother being a retired Model and her father being a very good defense attorny. Even though she was raised in a very wealthy family, she was taught the value of a dollar and to be independant. Being in a fairly high profile family, she was exposed to the media at a young age. She attended a privet all girls institution in Hong Kong. She was often involved in the arts, but focused mainly on her studies. She wanted to be involved with law like her father. She had an obviously strong sense of justice starting from a young age. Her mother was the one who got her involved in the music industry. She originally signed Danny up for a JYP audition. She made it to level two before they cut her. Her mother, not wanting Danny to become anymore so introverted and so focused on her studies, signed her up to audition at several more places while they were in Korea. YG, Stardom, Cube, NH Media, and SM Entertainment. She made it into Cube and SM but her mother decided on having her in SM because it was a bigger company. Both Danny and her father went through her contract thouroghly before signing it. She was 15 when she started training at SM. At 15 years old, Danny had to switch countries to accomidate the training SM was offering her. She started attending an international school in Seoul because she didn't know any korean. She was alone, no family, no friends, no nothing. She made it, though she wanted to quit sometimes and got extremely homesick, But she made it. When she was younger and attending school, Her dad use to wake her up by taking a glass of water, entering her room, and dumping it all over her. Danny use to be a very heavy sleeper, but now, after having to deal with that for a couple years, Danny will wake up to her door opening because she doesn't want to get wet. Even though she knows her dad doesn't live anywhere near her anymore.
  • Mother ¦ Jenna Wang ¦ 26/48 ¦ Model ¦ Ellegant, Vibrant, Social, Outgoing, Charismatic, Down to Earth ¦ Danny is extremely thankful for her mother, but she is also annoyed with her for doing this. It wasn't Danny's first dream to be doing this, but she is thankful nonetheless. She is kind of awkward around her mother. 
  • Relation ¦ Joesph Lo ¦ 28/50 ¦ Prosecutor ¦ Logical, Intellegent, Candid, Cunning, Intimidatiting ¦ Danny adores her father. She takes after her father a lot. She gets along with him very well, they have similar thoughts. 


  • Zhou Mi | 26/48 | Member of Super Junior | Zhou Mi has a very bright and optomistic personality. He is very kind and warm hearted. | Zhou Mi was actually a huge solo artist when  Danny was training for Aria. He was really good friends with her mom,  and she pretty much grew up around Zhou Mi. (2035) She was introduced by Amber to him (2013)
  • Kyuhyun ¦ 25/47 ¦ Super Junior ¦ Witty, Snarky, Shy ¦ Zhou Mi introduced them (2035 and 2013) ¦ ?Danny adores Kyu. She looks up to him immensely. She loves his wit and his ability to keep her on her toes, not to mention his voice. She loves to hear him sing/talk/hum ect. 
  • Sunny ¦ 24/26 ¦ SNSD ¦ Energetic, Motherly ¦ When Next was introduced to their sunbaes, Sunny brightly introduced herself to Danny who was off in her own world just watching everyone.(2013) ¦ At first, Danny was annoyed/slightly ammused by Sunny's attempts to befriend/get Danny to open up. Soon, Danny just became use to her presense and actually enjoys it. Sunny is very motherly with Danny, always trying to set her up with boys and what not. Danny is forced to do skinship with Sunny, no matter how much she protests. 
*Best Friends: 
  • Amber Liu ¦ 20/42 ¦ Member of Fx ¦ Amber has a very laid back and easy to get along with personality.  She is really fun and tells great jokes. there isn't a dull moment when you are with amber. ¦ Danny met Amber when Fx was practicing. She walked into the wrong practice room. Though Luna was the first to say anything, Danny was just shocked to see Fx, beings that they were hugely popular where she was from. So Amber said something in english thinking that Danny didn't speak korean. When Danny replied back in english that she spoke Korean fine, they kind of became friends after that. ¦ Amber is one of the few people who  Danny is fine with skinship. They have a very casual, fun friendship.
  • Natalie Wu ¦ nby/21 ¦ Member of Cube duo Notorious (2035) ¦ Level headed, Driven, focused, heart on her sleave. ¦ Natalie introduced herself to Danny when they were on a show. Natalie was happy to meet somebody else who came from Hong Kong. ¦ Natalie was to Danny as Watson was to Sherlock. They were partners in crime, they were the bestest of friends. Danny would actually volunteer skinship with Natalie. They were probably one of the more popular ships in the kpop fandom. Danitalie was their ship name. 

I Got A Boy
Love Interest: Henry Lau
Relation: Friends/Crushes
Age: 23/45
Occupation: Solo/Member of Super Junior 
Personality:  Henry has a very laid back and warm personality. He is extremely kind and hard working. Always striving to prove he is the best. He is self consious and often does work too much. He can be shy at times, and overly confident at others. He is really funny and a great friend when you get to know him. He is extremely curious and very smart. Though at times it can be annoying. He is extremely persistant and determind. 
How You Met?: (2013) It was Amber's birthday party where she met Henry. She didn't realize who he was, she just knew that she loved his smile and his friendly nature. It wasn't till Amber brought him over and introduced the two till Danny realized who he was. (2035) Henry was extremely popular in Hong Kong and that was no surprise to Danny, she was a fan, she first met him at a concert. She wasn't a trainee then. She got to know him during her trainee days, she was often a back up dancer for him. She adored him as a sunbae, if he wasn't so much older than her then she might have done something about it.
How They Interact?:  2013: Danny and Henry have a very fun and casual friendship, which has their friends and members constantly making remarks asking when they'll get together. Most of the time Henry and KatieDanny will be talking in English or Cantonese, or maybe even mandarin. But mainly english. Danny likes to keep her relationship with Henry quite, and plans to keep it that way if anything does happen between them.

Back-up Love Interest: Kyuhyun
Relation: Friends
Age:  25/47
Occupation: Member of Super junior
Personality: In the friend section
How You Met?: Friend section
How They Interact?: Friend section
Does your character have any attachments to 2035, if so why?: Yes. Her family, Zuko, and Natalie. She's worryed about what will happen to Zuko if he isn't dead already. No matter how much she complains, Danny loves her family and does get homesick often. Natialie is Danny's best friend. Yes Amber is also Danny's best friend, but Natialie is that friend that people search for their entire lives to Danny. Danny doesn't want to lose her.
Would she wish to go back?: Some days she may, others she may not. She is extremely conflicted over this.
Is there anything that might change her mind?: Henry. Henry could change her mind. She has Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi in 2035 as well as 2013. But if she goes back she can't have the same relationship she had with Henry. It would only be professional. She doesn't know if she could do that. Goku is keeping her there as well. No matter how much she loves Zuko, Goku has wormed his way into Danny's heart and Danny would be devistated to leave him behind. 
Does she have any attachments to 2013, if so why?: Yes, Henry, Amber, Sunny and Goku. Henry was mentioned above. Although Danny is much closer to Natialie, Amber is somebody Danny would miss a lot. If she had to chose between the two she couldn't. Even if her life depended on it, she wouldn't be able to chose it. Danny has become use to Sunny's presense, she enjoys her crazy antics, her nagging, and her forced skinship. Danny looks up to Sunny, and really does respect her. As for Goku, Danny would chose him over Zuko any day. She adores her water dragon, but she could always get a new one. Goku has a quirky, slightly snarky personality that fits with Danny perfectly. Danny would be devistated if she lost him
Would she stay?: She wants to, but other times she feels like it would be better if she left.
Is there anything that could change her mind?: Pretty much anything could change her mind at any moment. She legitly doesn't know what to do about this and it terrifies her. She hates feeling vunrible like this, it scares her. It frustraights her beyond belief. She doesn't know what she will do.
1, 2, 3
How Long Did You Train?: Five years in SM in 2035
*Any Previous?: No
*How long?: N/A
Trainee History: Danny was a wallflower when it came to training. She prefered to watch and observe people before she would do anything. She was that person who could tell you exactly what was happenning within the trainees. She heard parts of converstations that were suppose to stay privet, she was just a wall flower. Until it came to singing. That was something Danny loved to do and felt like she was really good at. She would volunteer to go first, she would stay after to work on her vocals, ect. As for drama, she knew about everyone elses drama, she avoided creating any as much as possible. She was one of the older trainees, also one of the ones who have been there for a decent amount of time, so she was fairly well respected, even if she was chinese. She took care of the other chinese trainees. She made sure they felt welcomed and that they knew what to do. Even though Danny comes off as cold, there is a reason why she is the Archangel. Trainees in 2013 were kind of pissed that she was debuting. They didn't even notice she exsisted until they annouced the debut line up. They would make nasty comments or just be mean in general. They were jealous basically. They were not debuting, and she was. They didn't know much about her, the thought she was one of those kids who trained for like four months before debuting. Not to mention she was chinese and debuting in the korean market. They were just all around frustraighted.
Stage Name:  Elle (2013) Danny(2035)
Persona: The Archangel
Position: Main Vocalist + Dancer
Back-up Position: Main Rapper Vocalist
Personal Fanclub Name: Wings
Fanclub Color(s): White
*Personal Twitter: N/A 
*Singing: Narsha (BEG): one | two | three | (Her vocal range)
Dancing: Min (Miss A): one | two | three | Just for fun
*Rapping: Hyelim (Wonder Girls): one | two | three
Solo Activities: Solo album, featuring on other songs, Variety show apperances. Chinese Debut? (Those are all just ideas.)
Thank You
*Do you have any concerns?: LANGUAGES: I'll explain down here. I actually know how hard it is to be fluent in multiple languages, and I have done my research on this. In Hong Kong the national language is Cantonese and English, so she was exposed to both of those languages since birth, making them her first language. Mandarin is taught as a required subject in schools as soon as you start, not to mention her mother is from Taiwan with her first language being Mandarin. Thus making it so she studied mandarin for 12 years (give or take). She trained in korea with active korean lessons for five years. Actively practicing and talking in all four of these languages she still mantains fluency. She does occasionally forget words in Mandarin and Korean, but so do native speakers. :) (I put this in because I know people get irked when they see that somebody is fluent in four languages. So I always leave a reason.)
Another thing,  people often forget that those who have chinese citizenship have to go back to china every two years to renew their passports that allow them to stay in Korea. they also have restrictions that others don't have. Like they can't directly fly into the US unless they have been granted permission from the US government with chinese approval (which takes forever). Incase you are trying to make your story realistic. I just like to put these things in here because people do forget this. :)
*Scene Suggetion(s): Promotions in China, Skinship scenes between the members, Fighting scenes,  (I dont really care with who and how. I  just like fighting scenes xD), team buidling activities, A member that Danny is awkward with. 
*Anything else?: Thats it, unless you need something~ I do have insight on the trainee world and what that is like. Especially for forgieners. So if you ever need my knowledge feel free to PM me. (Click on each indivudual letter of Aria. :P)




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