i failed my exam

first time I ever fail an oral exam. I didn't know , I had no idea what they were asking, I couldn't remember anything. I hate depression. I hate how it controls my life. I hate it. I hate that I can't even pass a freaking exam. I hate so-called friends who promise to help and then do nothing. I hate friends who bash you openly by bashing those who do the same as you. I hate people, I hate Latin, I hate me.


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I know you said the exam didn't really matter because you weren't taking it again, but I also know that it still feels y not getting a good grade. It's because you put a lot of expectation in yourself to reach certain goals. I'm sorry thing are going really crappy at the moment. I know it's hard, but try to search for the silver linings in the little things. Hold on to those to make yourself feel better. ♥♥♥
I don't like Latin either. But it's a root language for a lot of others =_= It's ok, unni. You said yourself it doesn't really matter if you do perfect on it since you're not taking it again. *hugs*
Awwh honey :C it's just an exam. Give it some time, and everything will be alright :) and those are the times you get to know who your real friends are...