A girl named C (rant)

(Ugh, because of all these ignorant people, I rant so much.)


There is one girl on AFF, I won't say who is she, but she's one of my friends, and if she has seen this post, then good.

I'll keep my insults to a minimum, I don't want to cause all that bull that almost everybody wants to get in here on AFF, it's getting tiring. Why tiring? Because of the number of times I lift my hand to facepalm.


This girl, is 13. Let's call her C.

That's really young, because most of the people here with that age, are even younger in mentality which totally irks me. I'm not directing this to everybody though. I know a few people who are even more mature than me though they're younger.

Back to the girl. She's a subscriber, I think. I appreciate feedback, but her feedback made my jaw drop. I was once complaining that nobody ever leaves comments on my story anymore (maybe because I'm a bad author, but still) and she "gave me advice" about to interact more with my subscribers and leave them notes, promising them I'll update etcetc, and she gets good feedback from her readers.

Okay, fine, but they're my readers right? I think I would want to do what I want to do. And I guess it's easy for her to say, she has easily a few hundred subscribers for her stories.

Secondly, she, like almost all the other childish Kai stans (don't blame me yet, because I'm a Kai-biased stan too). They were all weeping about Kai kissing Yoon Sohee on the cheek. I can't say I understand where are their points, because I really don't. It was barely a second, and she was paid to do it. It was her job, it was for the mv, it was from the script. Blame the directors if you want to, not the poor girl. I'm not her stan by the way if you think I am, I agree, she ain't that pretty. However, some people are taking it too far. "I wish she were dead" "How dare she get so close with MY Kai oppa?" "Kai is mine." "I will kill her". Childish. I'll just ignore those comments as if I didn't see them.


Girls, you have to understand, Kai has easily hundred thousands of fans. You are not the only one who likes him, and let's take this practically, he isn't going to marry you. Even if he does, YOU are going to recieve the hate from the other hundred thousand fans.

Stop being childish, please. Kai is not yours, and will never be. If this doesn't wake you up from your fantasy, I don't know what will.

Another situation, C reposted a girl's hate-filled blogpost, and said she agreed, which led to a lot of insults directed to C. C simply replied with "I just said I agree, this blogpost wasn't mine. It's _______'s." How awful. How can you blame it on others? YOU spread it, YOU said you agree, and when more people started insulting her, she took down her reposted blogpost and reposted another one of _______'s. C said that nothing will change her opinion on Yoon Sohee, but _______ is worse in her insults."

And when ______ found out C reposted her blogposts, she started scolding C with personal attacks when she doesnt know C.

Being the busybody me (haha), I decided to reply to ______ because she was wrong. Yes, she is entitled to her own opinions, but I think that was taking it too far. I wasn't exactly standing up for C, I was standing up for society, because it's so sad that our society have look-consious people who use profanities as and when they like, and use pathetic attempts to insult others. However, 2 other people stood up for C, and ______ started attacking all of us. The funny thing is that C does not even appreciate it at all. She didn't leave a comment, she didn't reply, she didn't care. I'm pretty sure she's getting notifications.

”忘恩负义“, as we say in Chinese. It means being ungrateful to the people who have helped you.


I'm so terrible at ending my blog posts, so I guess the point here is that I dislike this little girl who's simply ignorantly awful.

Ugh, I just paused from eating my jajangmyun just to type this. Thank you for reaching here if you did...?



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Oh, I facepalmed when others tried to defend Sohee saying that she has a boyfriend and is no threat, so stop hating on her. Seriously -.- With or without a relationship, she didn't deserve the hate. So, they are not hating on her now because she's human, but because she has a boyfriend and not a threat SMH

/lol, sorry for popping out of nowhere
/stranger exits
Okay I am just going through blog posts by going through all the tags I had tagged in my blog and here I am ._.
And is it just me or do I think I know who you are talking about.
Anyway, if we are talking about the same person, I stood up for Yoon Sohee and said that it was just her job and she was there like 'I want her dead' and all, and she said if MY biases had a kiss scene , I would be THAT agitated as well , then I was like 'Many of my biases had a kiss scene , I wasn't agitated' then she's like 'Can't be bothered' Then I was like 'You were the one who brought up MY biases' and after that she blocked me
We are of the same age but why do I feel like she is more childish when I am supposed to be the choding OTL . Honestly, even if they hate on Sohee, Kai won't kiss them, Kai won't know them, they are just a light stick among light sticks.
Mind if I comment?

Yes I agree! I think the hate on that girl is just...unnescessary -__- You know if I see a girl in a music video I just shrug it off, smile and keep watching the video. I don't really follow EXO or anything but when I saw the clip from the MV I was saddened by all the hate poor Sohee was getting :( Those fans need to put themselves in her shoes and think how they would feel if they were in Sohee's position.
I understand your point. I think we all go through a stage in our lives where we're just childish/frivolous/naive/etc and we're gradually maturing(hopefully for some) through our everyday lives. I don't know, I'm not very profound, maybe perhaps it's 12 in the morning for me or something of the sorts. ><

On a side note, personally, I thought I was going to get jealous of the girl since I as well am Kai-biased. Which I'm quite pleased about because if I was a few years younger, I would have probably flipped and fussed knowing my younger self. I actually thought the scene was pretty cute, and poor Jongin had to film it many, many times. Must be tiring. OTL ;A;

Oh, and the ending...I always wanted to tried jajangmyun! It looks so yummy and even just the name sounds scrumptious to me. ;u;
Totally (ir)relevant but, omg... I'm going to jajangmyun this Friday and I just can't wait. Last day of school and Korean food! Whoot! Whoot!~