Post attack, pre exam

Since the... attack-thingie (I don't know what to call it) Monday evening I have felt weirdly empty and numb. Also extremely tired. And I don't know if that's how I should be feeling. Am I in shock? Or am I just a cynical who guys can molest without me feeling anything? Some people are walking on egg shells around me and it makes me feel like I should be feeling something. I should have a reaction. But at the same time I'm scared. I have an appointment with a psychologist tomorrow (which is for another reason, but I will mention this) and only an hour and a half after I have to do my oral Latin exam. What if I am in shock and the psychologist asks just the right questions to make something surface and I am just a sobbing mess when I have to take my exam? What if I can't think of anything else during my exam? I mean, the exam is not important at all since I will not be taking Latin next year, but I know that I will be disappointed if I get a bad grade. 


It's not like I've forgotten it. I can hear his moan in my ear and I can feel his hands on me. But I don't know what to do with it or how to react. It feels like... a very realistic dream. Like it wasn't real but still something that just won't go away. 


I'll take a sleeping pill now and go to bed. The last thing I need tomorrow is too little sleep


Please send me positive karma and thoughts. I need it. 


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I send you all the good karma. *sends it your way* Good luck on your exam!! I know I'd need it if I was in your situation. You don't need to force yourself to feel anyway, but hopefully the psychologist will help you. ^^ Again, good luck and I hope everything works out for Smarty unni :)
pilikpoplove #2
I think is an assault right? It's hard to measure people reactions to this kind of things, you just manage the best way you can, one thing that remains i think is the fear. I think that talking about it probably would help and just try to cope with it the best way you can and know that it's ok to feel any way you do and to focus on the good things in life.
Sending nothing but good vibes your way, my dear. ♥ *glomps*