Lee Mai hears the ☾ calling


I'm lost inside this Forest


Username: Panda3093
*Name / Nickname: Abz or Panda
*Activity Level: 8.5
Plot Line: The Fang
Primary Weapon: Saber
Secondary Weapon: Double Swords
OC Name: Lee Mai
*Nickname(s): Mai-Mai (Amber + P.O.; it sounds similar to "little sister" in Chinese)
Birthday / Age: 15th of August / 18
Birthplace / Hometown: Jeera (different made-up village) / Sulyeob
Ethnicity: Korean-Chinese
Spoken Languages: English [Conversational] || Chinese + Korean [Fluent]
She stands tall at a height of about 170 cm in human form, and is balanced out by her weight of about 52 kg. She is quite thin, yet has sort of a small muscular build, not wildly muscular, but has muscles from running a lot and training. She has fair skin and does not burn but tans, very badly actually; when she tans, it can turn her skin 2 shades or so darker than should. She has short hair that goes to about her shoulders, that she usually would keep in a short/small ponytail. She has sort-of long and sharp nails, well, sharp enough to create a pretty deep gash on someones skin if she were to slash them. She has pretty strange eyes, unlike others that have dark brown eyes, she has a sort-of purplish, reddish eye color that gives off a sort of cold feeling when she glares.
Ulzzang Reference: Kite : 1 | 2 | 3
  • Wolf necklace - she received this at birth from her mother. It was almost like a "tag" and gift to remind Mai where she originally came from and who and what she is. It is to remind Mai of her origin and to always remember her passed parents.
I'm not Red Riding Hood...


Strengths: She is a skilled fighter indeed. She is undoubtedly a survivor, one that can stand her ground and make her own decisions. She is not the type to regret her decisions; once she has made up her mind, it is set, no changing it. She is very persistant and determined to reach her goals; she is also not one to go back on a promise or back down from a challenge. She is highly competitive and likes to fight at times. She is also very persuasive and knows what words would be right to use to persuade someone. This aspect and trait of her also makes her intelligent. Yes, she is pretty smart, not as smart as The Brain of course, but is very smart. She is able to find her way around certain kinds of areas, she is not book smart; though, because of wild instincts, she is smart in surviving and street-wise. But, even though she may be smart in specific areas, her anger is much stronger and will always over power her mind. Which creates the reason for her reckless attitude. She is strong, like as said before a "survivor," so she knows many ways to take someone down; so it would be a good idea to watch out.
She may not come off as it, because of her heavy thirst for vengence, but the main reason for her vengence was because she cared for her family. She truly loved her family, and having people kill them made her want to avenge her parents. She wants to do everything in her power to get back at those that killed her innocent parents; she promised to herself, even before their death, that she would be strong and protect. But, she wasn't able to live up to her promise. She holds this guilt and remembers it within her heart each day and night, never forgetting it. Even if her parents had told her "Only the strong survive, while the weak die" she still can't help but see how weak she was the day of their deaths, even if she survived.
Flaws: Some may think that after her parents' deaths, that her "flaws" just increased. Mai is not someone you want to mess with. She has a nasty temper, and can be set off pretty easily if you push the right buttons; meaning, never talk about her parents if you value your life. Stupidity is one of the one of the qualities that is very fatal, since "stupid people and comments" just make Mai want to punch the person in the face, to which she may end up doing in the end. Mai is also thought of as a "loner' in a sense, one that likes to go off on her own instead of stay with others. She likes to hunt on her own and really/mostly keeps to herself; no matter how many times others disagree with her choices, she never listens. She is very stubborn and follows by her own rules; she hates to be told what to do, and even if she is punished by not doing what she is told, she will just shake off the pain. A horrible aspect of Mai is that, she is merciless. When killing or hunting, she never holds back, she lets all of her anger and frustration out; she is no psycho or maniac serial murderer, but she relieves anger and sadness this way. She is told countless of times to hold back, but she won't unless someone actually pulls her away. She is worse in front Hunters, when facing them she only sees the people that killed her family, the people that she will eternally loathe.
Mai is very sarcastic in a sense, and when she opens to speak, her words are mostly very hurtful. She doesn't like to talk much, not that she is shy but likes to be alone. She has a straight foreward attitude and speaks her mind, one may see this as a good and bad trait, since she is honest, but her words can sting, sometimes more than her fangs and weapon. Mai has not smiled much, to anyone really, since her parents' death; when she does "smile" it comes out as more of a smirk than anything else. Her mind is too occupied with vengence to see the clear path ahead of her.
+ animals
+ running
+ spicy foods
+ silence
+ P.O. and Amber
+ being alone
+ her wolf necklace
+ her parents
+ rain
+ sarcasm
+ her saber(weapons)
+ the night sky
+ Hunters
+ crying [hates when others cry, can't stand when she does it]
+ books
+ sweets
+ bitter foods
+ sour foods
+ skinship
+ idiots
+ annoying, too prideful people
+ being bossed around
+ taking orders
+ running
+ training
+ fencing (sword fighting)/practicing her swordsmanship(?)
+ walking out into the forest
+ getting herself use to the land and area around
+ looking for a fight - sometimes she just needs to relieve anger so she may take it out on someone
+ sad - does not cry, but bites her lip until it bleeds
+ furious - picks a fight or cusses and punches someones (which starts into a fight anyway)
+ mad(not yet boiling with rage) - cracks her knuckles
+ annoyed - eye slightly twitches and she needs to take deep breaths before she becomes "angry"
+ pitch-black darkness - b/c she hates when she is unable to see what is in front of her and where she is going. She believes that is almost feels "cold" to her when she is unable to see anything
+ having her loves ones hurt - she has experienced a loss once and she doesn't want it to happen again. this is her major fear of losing those she cares about, since the thought of them becoming hurt is even horrifying enough as it is.
+ weakness - she was brought up that there is nothing worse than being weak, since once one is weak, then the chance of survival is slim
Strengths towards Survival:
+ hand-to-hand combat
+ Has great distance(being able to hit the opponent with her weapon before they hit her)
+ killer instinct - able to sense when someone is close or near
+ persuasive speaking
+ strength and strong-will - able to withstand many blows (hits/shots) without going down in the next instant
Weaknesses towards Survival:
+ quiet/ keeps-to-herself
+ "loner" - rather do many things by herself
+ stubborn - does not listen to direct orders, may just go off on her own
+ working with others - has a 'slight" tendency to leave her "partners" behind
+ is planning to take revenge | holds a grudge and never lets it go
+ thought as cold-blooded | merciless killer, many think she is dangerous to be near or around
+ gets angered easily | when someone makes her mad, it might as well be someone making a bull mad, she will not be afraid to charge at the person
+ has a calming "device" | her necklace that her parents gave her is really the only thing left she has to her village and can strangely calm her down when she sees it
+ has never TRULY loved someone before | doesn't believe in love and claims it as a pointless waste of time
+ likes ot be along | able to think to herself and it gives her a place to stay calm and relax
+ very sporty | likes to run, jog, jump, you name it, and she loves to do it; loves activities that keeps her on her feet and on the move
+ hates to read | put her down with a book and by the next second she is out like a light
+ rather not talk about her past and parents | hates bad memories
+ her (& her parents') main motto : "The strong live while the weak die." | so she is always trying to get stronger
+ does not necassarily own a pet, but has a companion that is an owl | she cares for it from time to time, and it visits her when she is usually alone. She does not own it though.
...but I think the Wolves have got me


She was born and raised to protect herself and survive at most. Being from wolves, there were many out to kill them. Her parents raised her to be able to fight and never back down. They engraved into her mind "Only the strong survive, while the weak die." She lived by that most of her life, always trying to get stronger. However, she felt a little differently once seeing her family massacred before her, her parents taught her the strong survive, were they not strong enough? Mai's blood boiled at the sight of her family being chopped down and ripped limb by limb. Mai did not cry, she was not truly said, she felt anger. She was scarred for most of her life after the incident. The memory would come back to her in dreams or whenever someone just brought up "family." But, the memory only fueled her burning anger and passion on wanting to get revenge. She wanted those that killed her parents to feel the same way her parents did when they were being cut down.
Mai was fled her village and was led to Sulyeob by her friends, P.O. and Amber. Living in Sulyeob, after fleeing her village, she was able to pick up some Korean while training. Since most, if not all of the citizens spoke Korean, so ultimately Mai had to learn as well. In Sulyeob, she learned how to protect herself and fight better. She only trained to aim for revenge, that was her drive and passion, that is what kept her going. She never forgot her parents, she remembers them when she looks at her necklace and when she hears others with their family. She stood her ground and never backed down, that was the basic rules she learned from her parents as well. After much training, and still a long way to go, she soon has become much stronger and her will to survive and gain vengence grows.
`father || Lee Tae-Hyun || 34[died at this age] || dead || strong, protective, humble, humane, strict
`mother || Lee SunHi || 30[died at this age] || dead || motherly, pretty, kind, caring, lovable, protective
Pyo "P.O." Jihoon(Block B) || 20 || alive || laid-back and funny, he is an easy-going guy that loves to pull pranks and goof off. It is pretty strange that he and Mai are able to get along, considering she is more of a "keep-to herself" kind of person, but his kindness was finally able to break her cold outershell. He can be quite caring and protecitve of his loved ones and those close to him. Though he is kind, he is the type to get revenge; if someone were to piss him off or hurt someone he cares for, then he will get his revenge. || 4.5 ||They were friends ever since they were young. P.O. was always there for her and he and Amber were the ones to help her through hard times when her parents were killed. He is very protective of her and cares for her like and older brother would. Mai looks up to P.O. for help and guidance at times. Mai rarely talks to anyone and is a more of a keep-to-herseld sort of person, despite being a ruthless killer at times, but she likes to stick to P.O. sometimes. He is like her guardian almost, he is older than she so he only treats her as a little sister. He likes to , and she is only open towards him and Amber, since she knows she can trust them.
Liu Amber (F(x)) || 20 || alive || laid-back, kind, protective, caring, sarcastic, friendly || 5 || They are very close, one of Mai's only friends even. Amber is similar to an older sister to Mai; always caring and worrying over Mai. Amber and P.O. are equally close with Mai, since they are the only two that Mai really talk to. Like P.O., Amber is highly protective of Mai and would usually comfort and care for Mai. Mai does see her as an older sister, such as how Amber sees Mai as a younger sister. Amber does like to make jokes, and usually to try and make Mai laugh she would, in a teasing manner, insult P.O. Mai has really only ever, after her parents' death, smiled towards those two.
G.NA (Soloist) || 25 || What else to say but a natural flirt. Mai thinks of the woman as a person that wastes her time just to flirt and "mate" with those of the opposite gender. Mai dislikes how G.NA is usually out with guys instead of training and preparing. G.NA and Mai are complete opposites, while G.NA is the party girl type, Mai is one that can be fierce and serious with training. G.NA is the giggly girl that hates to get down and dirty and rather have others do the hard work for her. Mai sees it as a shame, since Mai thinks that G.NA's long and sharp nails would be pretty good to use during a fight. || They really only ignore one another. They don't see one another as anything close to being friends or even aquaintances for that matter. When Mai does see and ask why G.NA is not training, G.NA justs asks Mai to let loose and stop worrying about over excessive training. They are not really on good terms, considering Mai believes G.NA is too flirty and "peppy" for her own good, while G.NA may or may not think that Mai is along the lines of an "over serious brat that doesn't know the meaning of fun." Either way, it is their opposing actions, decisions, and personalities that serperate the two.
You be the Beast and I'll be the Beauty


Love Interest: Myungsoo
He is a pretty caring guy, for a hunter. He is not the type to kill, but care for others; though his father is a natural hunter, he is most likely to be the hunted, considering he can be cowardly at times and hates blood and seeing others die. Though he make look cool and calm/composed on the outside, he can be quite..silly and nervous within; he rather just stay in the back during fights, but knows he can't considering there is a lot of expectations towards him.
father || Kim Kang-Dae || 52 || alive || fatherly, strong, prideful, a leader, fearless
mother || Kim Minhee || 48 || dead || motherly, caring, gentle, loving, comforting
brother || Sunggyu || 24 || alive || kind, "non-believer," better hunter than his brother, can be caring, a bit distant
`Song Jieun (SECRET) || 23 || alive || She is probably one of the most caring and kindest person one will ever meet. One would not even expect this girl to be a hunter, since she isn't. She is one of those shy girls that may stutter when facing someone new or when someone compliments her. She is a modest type, and has a killer smile and personality, which enables her to become friends with most people. She rather care for the injured than be the hunter. || 4 || Jieun smiles and is happy around Myungsoo. She thinks of him as a kind a great friend and is one of those people that is able to tell that he also does not want to kill. They are fairly close, but not in a romantic way, more in a friendly way. They have known one another since childhood, so they are not scared of one another nor are they awkward together.
`Jung Illhoon(BToB) || 18 || alive || though Illhoon may be younger than Myungsoo, he is far more experienced in hunting. He is one of those dead serious, ruthless sort of hunters. One that takes the rey down once within his field of vision and may or may not think anything of it. He can be humane though, he is not one to go on an all out killing spree, but he does truly care for friends and family. He is a unpredictable and interesting person, one moment he may be all smiles, the next he may be killing with a serious and cold-stare on. || 3 || Illhoon and Myungsoo are not fairly close, but they are more like aquaintances. Because of their non-close relationship, Illhoon doesn't know that well that Myungsoo is one of those softies that hates to kill. Instead, Illhoon has an opposite perspective of Myungsoo and see him as one of the Elite killers/hunters like his father. Which only adds a bit more pressure and expectation onto Myungsoo's back.
`Jay Park(soloist) || 26 || alive || Jay is a pretty laid-back kind of guy. He goes with the flow of things, and really isn't the type to shout out what comes to mind. Many think of him as sort of "reserved" since he barely does much or talk a lot. But he is a nice guy and can be kind and caring to those he is close to. He is not an elite hunter because he tends to slack at times, but he is a better hunter than Myungsoo. || 5 || Jay and Myungsoo have known each other since they were young. Jay was sort of the guy that would always hang out and play with Myungsoo. So they pretty much are very comfortable when with one another and Jay does know, of course, of how Myungsoo is more of the clumsy and kind-hearted type instead of an Elite killer like his father. Whenever Myungsoo does not know what decision to make or what to do, he would usually go to Jay for help or advice, as silly as it may sound Jay is actually pretty "wise."
Choi "Zelo" Junhong(BAP) || 17 || He may seem very happy-go-lucky and innocent, a "pup" that just likes to roam around and have fun; however, he can actaully become quite vicious and dangerous. If someone were to push him too far and make him angry, he will bear his fangs and pounce, he is not afraid of really hurting someone if he needs to; though, he is probably one of the kindest of them all, that is if you don't get on his bad side. || He hates Myungsoo. Clearly since Myungsoo is a hunter of Zelo's kind, so he would never trust Myungsoo or even go near the guy without thinking something will happen. It is only natural for Zelo to feel a strong hatred and slight fear towards Myungsoo, since his father and their hunters have killed many of Zelo's friends and people.
*Scene Requests:

[Sorry, none at the moment ><]

Who Dies?: him || her || both
I'm not afraid to face a little bit of Danger


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?: lol sorry for the ish app >< Just hope it's good enough >< also, I was a little confused on making this app. so sorry if some of it is wrong ><
Are you the hunter, or the hunted?: Hunted (?)



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