Someone , answer me please~~~

You know , it's almost 1 year for me in fanfic . 



But there's little thing I don't know . 






















What is OTP ? 



/hide under the table . 




Answer me please~ Imma so stupid . I don't know what is that . I being curious because you guys always say 'Baekyeol is my OTP' or 'Eunhae is my OTP' . I don't know what is that . I ask someone about 'OTP' . He said that OTP is 'On the phone' . Then I was just 'yeah yeah , I understand~' . 


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No the you did not! XD Im sorry but omg this is making me laugh! OTP means one true pairing. Lol I'm sorry it's just...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh god. Okok I'm good. Not trying to make you feel bad because yes I didn't know until like a month after I've been in fanfics because I kept seening it everywhere! But then my pal google helped me. Lol
OTP IS ONE TRUE PAIRING. It is for two people you ship wiht. Or want them to be a couple. It can be same gender or boy and girl doesn;t matter cuz ITS UR OTP.
On the phone?
Original True Pairing.
A ship, that you would always ship. Forever. :)