fiction/drama = my life?

sometimes I feel sick when I read fanfics or drama. 
It reminds me of my own life. 
Everything you watch on your tv or laptop, reading a story on the web about how ugly the family is, everyone claim it as fictional, made up, all fake, it's just a story, but then I'm sorry, those fictional storyline is how my life is. 

Behind every fame, there's a story behind them.
In every family, there's a story among them. 
While my family's story tells me that all situation in drama can happen in real life.
It let me know how ugly and disgusting a family can be. Just like a fruit, it looks all pretty, tasty, delicious from the cover, but when you cut it open, it's breaking apart, worms here and there, black spots everywhere. Betraying your own brother, stealing money from your own company and run away, two face people, nice to you when your fine ditch you when your bad, talk behind each others back........

is that what you want to experience when you're just a 12 years old girl?
When every other kid is just playing happily in the playground at the park.
Isn't it too much for a kid to see 2 grandpa's younger brother sitting in front of her and her dying great grandma, planning something bad?

I'm older now, and I might have escapse from most of the drama, but the past had tattoo in my brain, and I dont think it'll ever be gone, no matter how hard I try to run away from it. 

Don't complain about how bad your family is, because your's is not the most disgusting family compare to some people out there. 

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Its kinda scary how you knew how all these things were going on when being just 12 yrs old O.o<br />
I have a huuuuuge family and i wouldn't say its perfect either. lots had happened but im guessing not as bad as yours <.<<br />
BUT...I keep my head out of all the bull they build, like I have nothing to do with it. Some may say "blood is thicker than water". well duh, that's true. but just because you're related doesnt mean you have to live through cruelty. I see friends as family too and i can tell you now some of my friends i value MORE than many/most of my relatives.<br />
What's important is that your DIRECT family at least loves and cares for you! ^^<br />
I have that. And i'm sure you do too...Richie :P<br />
You shouldn't complain about yours either cola, cos i bet there's far worse than EVEN yours. <br />
FIGHTING!!!! *_*