Life? What's life?

Life... what's life?

Everyone try to aim for a perfect life, but they never realize that how perfect their life is already.
They just don't understand that there's people with worse case than them, yet they keep complaining about it
Maybe I'm one of them before, but after hearing different stories, I realize I have everything I wanted,
what am I trying to aim for before?

Everyone have a story, and this is my story.........

When I was little, I grow up in a pretty rich family I guess? I get everything I want. 2 personal maids, cell phones since grade 2.Brand names, you name it I have it, in another way of saying is I'm like a princess? With all brand new things, high tech thing. I'm part of those popular girls in school. I might be a person that everyone jealous of, but it's never the same in my house. I live with 2 of my uncles (father's younger brother), father's younger sister, grandparents, cousins, and Great Greandma. We each have a house and combine togehter to make one living area. Yes my dad is the oldest between his siblings, but always the one with the most work. My dad have to help out with the company, while my 2nd uncle just use the money company had earn for himself, but he never get yelled or scold by my grandparents. My Great grandmother love my dad the most, yet my grandparents love my second uncle the most. Even my great grandma is the one with the most power and money in the family, yet in the company my grandpa's the boss, while great grandma's only the one that provide money to the company. 

I'm the oldest between cousins that live with me. My grandparents doesn't love me as much as they love my cousins, just because I'm a girl. In my family they put boys in front of girls. ism? yupp. They think boys are more important because they can take over the company when they get older. Im not saying that they don't love me, just that my treatment is not the best. I love my great grandma the most, she loves me the most, as she love my dad the most. She always give me the best things. I cried for weeks when she die. Me and a cousin broke down in the middle of the funeral. 

As I grow older, grade 6 I think? I graduate from Primary school. Ma wants me to move to Canada for better education, even I come here every summer, but she wants me to have full education here. However at the same time, the company was in trouble, one of the uncle, grandpa's younger brother, has stole some money away from the company, and ran away with it. With no more support from my great grandma, it's harder to solve this emergency. But at the same time Ma wants me to move to Canada for high school, so my gramps, uncles, and aunties scold my parents cuz of that. 

It's been 3 years, yet they still haven't forgive my parents for doing so, even my dad had stay in HK to help the company out until it's back on normal track. They still argue with my parents through phones. 

My grandparents wants to retired and move to Canada, grandma wants to bring three of my cousins here too, because their parents in the edge of divorce. Uncle busy with all those Entertainment, celebrity, and parties. While auntie just wasting money, trying to enjoy her life. They don't even love each other that much. 

Life is complicated and full of drama. There won't be just one drama in your whole life. One's down, another will shows up. 
There's no such thing as peaceful life, even you tried to avoid it.


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LOOOL love you guys too <3
Omo...<br />
Same, there's so much i had no clue about O.o<br />
People should do these sort of blogs more often then XD jk<br />
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I knew there was a lot of drama... but not THIS much.<br />
>.<<br />
HWAITING COLAA~~!!!!!!<br />
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You're right life doesn't always go the way you want it to, but it's up to us how we decide to see it. <br />
We should look at it through the bright side XD Well i do anyway XD<br />
Sometimes even that is hard but....HWAITING!!!! XDDD<br />
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WUB YOUUUU!!!!!!! *huggle*
Yuki89 #3
When did you show up O__o<br />
YOU HAVE A BLOG! And I learned more about you here then on msn *sulks*<br />
So it's just been 3 years since you live in Canada? O.o<br />
I know about the loosing grandma bit..I've been through the same thing T^T <br />
But beside all the bad things good things happen too I guess... you met us! ^O^ (not so sure if you're happy about it *cough* but I am~~ <3)<br />
Oh btw be prepared for the man >.> he might show up anytime this week he said run Coco run!!!! xD jk<br />
LOVE YOU~~ <333