Thank You

Hey guys!

So about the last time I forgot to tell you that his ex girlfriend lives in London and he's in Japan and I'm here in Italy. 


I wanted to say thank you for giving me advices. I actually tried your suggestions but looks like time didn't help me, but it helped him he's not depressed anymore and he's happy! 


Today I had the courage to ask him how was he doing these days after the break up and he said he was okay. Then I asked him if he wanted to get back with his ex girlfriend and he said..... They're back together and he promised that he won't make the same mistake he did before so I said, 'that's good to hear! ' after that he didn't reply.





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shoelaceuu #1
Aww I hope you're okay :/
In my opinion, I don't think long distance relationships should have second chances since you still don't know what the other person is doing behind your back.
But forget that gesture, I'm glad that you're at least taking it well that they're back together. Even if it hurts inside. :P