YaDong Edit


so yeah, this is how my edit looks like.

edited via phone using picsart app. it has a really good masks and effect, well thanks to its ne update.

my sister said its very Photoshop alike. and tbh, i have a minimum knowledge on how to use PS. -__-

thats why i'm having troubles regarding to posters i need for my fics.

not to mention the new fic i'm about to do, so i really/want to learn how to use PS,

sadly, my sister has college aldy, but aldy promised me that she'll teach me if she has time ~~

HAHA. i used to use PS alot. but i end up stoping from using it. idek why XD

so yeah, there, my own edit for Yadong :))))



this one is w/o watermark :))) lol XD


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