Your thoughts on OT(7/12/etc.) fanfictions?

To the people who don't know what OT fanfictions are. This is how wikipedia explains it, but I kind of disagree with the 'ually' part. To me it is mostly romantically: 
OT3 a variation on OTP, stands for One True . It describes a similar situation in which three characters (usually all from canon) are romantically and ually linked. The term can be expanded indefinitely, as OT4, OT5, etc., although higher numbers tend to be parodic. OT3 is more likely to appear in fandoms with multiple canonical characters operating in an ensemble.


What do you think about thse OT fanfictions? 
Asked by: Anon


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I prefer reading moresomes when it's clear friendship! Although, I've read a few ot3s that were romantic/ual and I really liked them.
I haven't read one o.o